I've never seen anything like it until you posted the link. I'm finding a few designs have been available overseas for a few years now, but they are expensive for what they are. I'm sure materials quality plays a part in their pricing but for a mechanical device that just uses leverage to operate, it wouldn't be too difficult for an inclined guy to fab one. Here's a couple links to another cool concept and would be cheaper yet to mfg yourself... This one would need an additional leg on the brake side to use spool attachments instead of singlesided setup, but seems an easy enough idea and simple to one-man-show the bike up onto it http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tye0rB5IWRY I'd like this for winter storage, or fore/aft teardowns and similar design to the one above to copycat from. The guy/company seems to make quite a few products for mobile bike storage http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Px9WTvcDdH0