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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Helmutt

    F&P America

    I know a couple guys that work there.....you might know them
  2. Helmutt

    Tattoo Artist

    I'll plug Extreme Tattoo for the 3rd time here, but Eric has done all my ink in the last 22 years so my vote is potentially biased
  3. Wont keep them all in the same case, plan on getting seperate setups for each piece so theres room for scope, sling, mags, etc
  4. Dicked the first link up.....here's my first choice. 51" length http://mobile.walmart.com/m/phoenix;jsessionid=88AD8A4345C8A94C9EA4071A6CB56180#ip/Plano-Special-Edition-Double-Rifle-Shotgun-Case-in-Black/19281876
  5. Remington M887, AR15, and a future bolt action with around a 24" bbl
  6. One of these 3 options.... http://www.walmart.com/ip/Plano-Gun-Guard-SE-Series-Single-Rifle-Case-Black/20893853 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Plano-Riffle-Shotgun-Case/17284291?findingMethod=rr http://www.walmart.com/ip/Plano-Gun-Guard-Contoured-Rifle-Shotgun-Case/17126446?findingMethod=rr
  7. Thanx guys, I'll check out Harbor Freight. Just cant justify spending on a Condor when these exist too.
  8. Anyone own these or used them? Just wondering how they compare to the likes of Condor. Seems like a killer deal at $50 http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200409163_200409163?isSearch=571648-2301
  9. check these out for listings http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/tabid/17601/Default.aspx http://www.usacarry.com/directory/category/gun-ranges/ohio-gun-ranges/ http://www.muck-boy.com/Shooting%20Ranges/Muckboy%20Ohio%20Shooting%20Range%20Page.htm http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/weblinks/19
  10. Gonna look into these tonight and judge the quality in-hand - $25 a case is hard to beat for a hardshell. Thanx for the info guys!
  11. Since the officer that cited you was a noob on the force, wasn't much you could do since he's most likely still trying to earn some respect from his co's and get points towards the next raise already. If you do plan to fight it, take the advise above as well as bringing pic's of the area with you.....and make sure you know that area well enough to debate the citation. Good luck man
  12. Sure, why not.....but you'll need to bring a bag with ya, I quit buying it quite some time ago :D
  13. That was a killer deal Ryan, assemblies on the cheap cant be beat. Keep the stockers as spares that way
  14. Wow, new age Streetglide by Honduhhh? Different
  15. Cool! Bring on the change! Btw Ben, is that your jedi training pack I see in your avatar with complimentary Yoda?
  16. Helmutt


    This is bs, on my phone as a thumbnail it didnt look ANYTHING like it does in here!
  17. ^^ it was a slow day at the shop
  18. Ohlins or Penske, either one has to be quite an upgrade from stock. Congrats on the new toys! Are you going Ohlins fork guts at all, or spring rate change and fluid?
  19. GLWS, and post up pics - will surely help move it
  20. Helmutt


    Nice group, at what distance?
  21. Although it was meant as so with utmost sincerety......you have to remember......I'm a fat guy, so there isn't much I WONT eat But in all seriousness bro, you got some smoker skillz!
  22. I dont get EVERY weekend off, still have to pull one once a month. But nothing like your schedule. Once you finish your education and get into computer sciences - you will have a better life!
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