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Status Updates posted by snot

  1. What happened to the tbut?

  2. Nice to finally put a face with the name. Thank you for stopping and meeting us.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to stop. Hope you made it back ok.

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!!

  5. Thanks for everything! On its way!

  6. Needed done! Thanks!

    Hope you can make it out in March.

  7. We love you! Thanks for the ninja administrator work!

  8. Rehmerts misses you! They speak very highly of you.

  9. Do you have pics yet? Glad its finally home

  10. Sucks! We would still like to see it, and maybe squeeze one last ride in this year.

  11. Happy belated birthday

  12. snot

    Happy birthday

  13. Where is it at? We dont have anything planned.

  14. Missed you and machspd11 on the dream ride.

  15. How was her dance? You need to send Hellmutt a pic so i can see.

  16. Thanks! I would like to do a track day next yr.

  17. Happy Birthday

  18. Heard about your accident glad your ok. Wish you could of rode with us yesterday

  19. Since you are selling the 250 you might want to post it on ninjette as well. At least you would have positive response.

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