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Everything posted by snot

  1. So was carlin...he wrote when he was high That's why I was defending drugs...like guns they aren't bad its the people who use them that can't control themselves.
  2. Its sad when some one with a natural talent throws it away. She made a few bad choices and she will be condemned for that but she also did a lot of good..in the beginning. I am not a fan just think its sad that people always focus on the negitive and never the positive things in life or death. Drugs are bad but they to do some good...abuse is bad. Just my .02 no offense intended
  3. snot

    First gun

    Congrats..now the addition will start.can't just have 1
  4. Just be careful and don't slip outside.
  5. Welcome...this is my first forum as well. Everyone is awsome here and a ton of fun!
  6. Feeling any better today?
  7. Did not know that....I know this is off topic but thought you would like to know... I was just on brocks site they have the zx14 sidewinder exhaust on sale http://www.brocksperformance.com/Sidewinder-Black-WAS-1395+ICL0025+C58.aspx Sorry for jumping topic.
  8. This is why you don't go on tv and mention you have guns. I talked to the sheriff in miami co. About revoking a ccw. She said the only way it can be taken (and guns) is if a person is proven to have mental issues.
  9. Now is not the time of year for concrete work. I would do some patch work to show you are trying to address the issue.
  10. Not the same... I don't either but with twitter you don't have to have an account. Just click and you will see...1/153
  11. snot

    Music Game

    While I laid dying I saw the devil driver chasing me. I ran to the demon hunter who sent me to an angel who laid the godsmack on them. When I awoke I was in the reefer hut.
  12. Get well soon...I hope you have a speedy recovery.. Can you still go out shooting? If so at leat you could have some fun.
  13. When I brought my intruder home from TN we used a 08 tacoma and just stuck it in the bed (tied down).
  14. I delete all my cookies and then the pop up comes up.
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