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Everything posted by snot

  1. OP is the 27th for the poll to close. This is why I am not allowed out of the kitchen... typical girl I change my mind when the wind blows. it has been blowing a lot lately.
  2. mine didn't work...@Casper wtf @Tonik? any clues if I edit my post and back space a couple of letters I get a drop down, like with @Casper but my first @Casper doesn't work.
  3. as long as you have hookers and blow...
  4. OR has mods?? I want to give "out of kitchen notices".
  5. I am glad to hear you are doing better. Is the Y membership helping? if it does, we could put together a donation at the meets for you if not we can still donate money to help with other expenses. If you are ok with it, I will handle it at the Dayton and Cbus meet and greets.
  6. Hey Dayton... check your calendars for 3/12 say 6pm... meet to be determined. Cbus, 3/19 is winning one more week to vote.
  7. snot

    i want peni

    they need to add "bag of cunts" and one big gummy dick...
  8. When I am out of the kitchen and riding, I notice almost everyone waves, nods, or acknowledges my wave. I often wonder if it's because I am a girl or a midget. or maybe both, it could be they notice the out of kitchen pass in front of me... as for the Harley vs duc... I can't afford either. I ride kawi's, easy to maintain (cheap too) and one still under warranty.
  9. I only bought a battery from him. He has done work for other riders I know... no complaints.
  10. Travis, I hope you are doing better. Many of us would like to know how you are.

  11. hope you are feeling better.
  12. I witnessed this being done...once I can assist in ball cutting. I know where they go afterwards, your wife's purse.
  13. I might throw a quickie in for Dayton too in March....
  14. Dayton area has died down a bit again. I am ok with w.cbus and having a bike night around Dayton in the spring too. Next time I am pulling a Derek and just posting time and place. Thanks IP.
  15. I can also sweep the sweep since I can communicate with the lead...
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