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Everything posted by snot

  1. She is meeting us when we go to the gap. There will be many txt between now and then...
  2. Really?.... My dear sweet mom.. He is talking about my mother...
  3. The 300 Will be fine. The bike can do a lot more than you think. I know people who run 250s in Intermediate class. Leather is best and you can wear under armor to help keep you cool. Hydrate well for several days before you go. Leather saved my skin in turn 8. I suggest you watch a track day before you do one or go with someone who has done it before.
  4. We all know @RidersDiscount is the best. But the level of service is beyond impressive. I commented in the "what do you need" thread. I recieved quote after quote, all great prices. Now for the impressive part....it was on a Saturday night. Mike wasn't even at work! He was delievering excellent customer service on on a Saturday night. Now I realize this won't happen all the time but wow...I never expected him to answer until Monday. Thank you Mike. Oh and our stuff is on its way!
  5. Welcome from the kitchen at hellmutt's house
  6. My cat likes emery boads, sticks, balls she can carry (and place in shoes, windows) and boxes... Oh and she loves math. She lays on my homework but only math (trig was her favorite). But, I did spoil the hell out of her...she's more like a dog.
  7. Put case in safe problem solved. Buy more toys for kitty
  8. Yes I am on my phone, no computer in the kitchen. I only noticed because I need to call Mike Monday at riders discount. I have his number now. Thank you Tonik
  9. @Tonik why can't I see signatures?
  10. Do Not order from them. Check out BBB they have had numerous complaints over the past few years.
  11. They are in the frozen food section. No problem, we understand.
  12. I want the recipe...I like blueberry
  13. @Tonik did you make the pie or was it from a box? Thanks for the pass.
  14. Thank you all who showed. For those who did not you missed the unicorn.
  15. Do you carry pit bull stands?
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