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Everything posted by snot

  1. I will sweep hellmutt group
  2. The internet would become an electronic encyclopedia. Borning... It would then die off like any other fad.
  3. I can't stand it anymore.... 1. How did Hilary get an out of kitchen pass for this long? 2. Why is she out of the kitchen 3. All the men will starve if women are allowed to believe that can leave the kitchen unattended for this long. I vote all women back in the kitchen and make sammiches. If a woman is to be president it better be Betty Crocker or someone with great cooking skills to be a proper role model to all women. Now carry on... My vote will be counted in Nov.
  4. Item# 204360 Icon lucky lid 2
  5. I liked http://ironhorsenc.com/ And they have room for trailers.
  6. snot


    Unless it's a turtle..
  7. snot

    New Here

    Thank you for your service. Welcome, we are not to far from you.
  8. That's because there was nothing to hurt...lol Was the Jack ok? I heard about this, it was right after the pizza party for being safe, right? Glad you healed up and it wasn't worse. I actually used the story in a few training sessions lately.
  9. Wear a hard hat next time... Hope you heal fast. I learned a long time ago to pay attention to where my head is. I split my eyebrow hitting the snooze button once...
  10. snot

    F U UPS

    Next time opt to pick up at UPS
  11. Travis, thank you for the update and sharing your story. I hope others learn from what you went through and wear gear. Stay strong, if you need us just call or txt. You have hellmutt number.
  12. Now I remember why I didn't go to college.... I hate school.
  13. I can't delete my vote.... I need a mod to fix it please.... I voted then I read the OP.I am not drinking on the trip or bring any. I will go back to the kitchen now..
  14. Never went to any school dances... I went straight to the parties... I agree it is completely over priced.
  15. you asked and I answered
  16. Depends on if they are in the kitchen. If she is in the kitchen then he is right, this is only possible because of the kitchen rule. If she is not in the kitchen and has a pass he is right. If he is in the kitchen it's plausible depending on the % of error. Now, if they are both out of the kitchen he is wrong, and she is wrong for not being in the kitchen, since 2 wrongs make a right she is still right.
  17. So we can talk about you again in the member only section?
  18. Hopefully a better deal will come along.
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