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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. I'm with ya there.... hey doc, bring some antihistamines!
  2. around the national park would have been enough for us I think.... still a good ride....
  3. Wow. That's a real disorder. Hey doc... help the man out :-)
  4. you should let me know. I get out of work on steels corner at 4pm. got a couple errands to run. then could get the bike from copley at 5pm.
  5. .... radar on sunday will be key.... looks ok for now, but who knows what will pop up. just in case. I'm ready for either 10/1/11 or 10/2/11... it'll be gettin' cooler though so lets just pray for sunshine and 80 degree weather for THIS sunday.... it'll be cool to see the mix of bikes we all bring...
  6. beats anarchy as far as sunday is concerned ..... and yeah.... hope we don't get rain on sunday.... temps look fine tho ....
  7. I say.... we'll have one maybe two smaller groups that want/can zip around all they want. the rest of us (and it sounds this way) want a fun safe sane group ride. with this many planned riders, safety HAS to take priority. test some of your limits within the group if you want, but if ur plan is to hit the river and back in 3 or 4 hours, then make sure you're group assembles and get a head start. I'll echo the riding etiquette thing too. sounds like there may be a wide range of expierence levels coming. the fast experts can go do their thing. while a couple experts hang back to lead/sweep the the other groups. no passing the leaders and no falling behind the sweepers. phone numbers will be exchange. bring maps and road atlases and doc... have some decent copies of a solid route and itinerary floating around for the leaders/sweeps/ and whoever else wants them. or at least post them in a printable version. I'm lookin forward to lunch on the river. newbs are welcome, but honestly if you are a newb. please let us know so we can look out for you, maybe divide the newbs up (dunno if a separate group of newbs is a good idea) ride checklist.... must have all the following... otherwise, stay home 1.endorsement 2.machine in working order 3.helmet + gear 4. flexible goals for this ride no squids and no ego maniacs please
  8. Thanks uncle punk. I dunno. I've just gotten a little more conservative. seen too many people go down this year. workin on gettin through the mental game.....
  9. groups of 10 seem kinda big. I think if we get this many riders we should create a group d and maybe even e.. we'll figure groups out when the day comes. And these groups need to be divided by intended pace.
  10. the doctor is in the house!!!
  11. ..... didn't end up bein' such a bad day for me..... hung out and rode 93 all the way up dodgin' horses and buggies.... .... good luck with repairs triple.... start with the shifter assembly... hope the wife isn't too hard on ya
  12. anyone bringin' a cam then if the doc isnt comin?
  13. oh-21 to oh-585 to oh-83 south thats my route. leavin home at like 745am to 8am to make it to millersburg by 9am
  14. .... there should be a rule... for every ride thread page, there should be at least as many riders for the ride....
  15. ..... the anticipation for this ride and the vid is killing me.... I'm gettin' a hard on thinkin about it which is good... the cooler temps should even me out ......
  16. Might catch you on 241 somewhere. Would have to leave earlier and maybe even backtrack comin from copley
  17. .... time to put the liner in the jacket too, I think......
  18. you still gonna make this ride doc? I'll be coming from oh-21 and copley rd. takin' 21 s to 585 to 83 s. to the speedway in the southern part of millersburg. google says its an hour trek for me so I know its a lil bit of a haul for you, but it'll be worth it. bring the cam of course! gotta be there at 9am which means I gotta leave by 8am at the latest......
  19. .... this ride is goin' to be epic with that many riders. for saftey and skills sake, we will be breaking up into groups. doc, start compiling the phone numbers of potential leaders and sweepers. I'm a potential sweeper and you already have my number (which will be changing soon, and I'll let u know when it does). also.... finalize the route and be able to print it so everybody can have a copy.
  20. I'll be there... a lil more cautioned and a lil more skilled... when and where do u wanna meet doc?
  21. sooo.... what are our stats doc? how many are ridin' sat24th? just curious... how many were bound to sunday?
  22. ...I'll vouch for the seca.... it was my first bike and I wish I still had it....
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