I say.... we'll have one maybe two smaller groups that want/can zip around all they want. the rest of us (and it sounds this way) want a fun safe sane group ride. with this many planned riders, safety HAS to take priority. test some of your limits within the group if you want, but if ur plan is to hit the river and back in 3 or 4 hours, then make sure you're group assembles and get a head start. I'll echo the riding etiquette thing too. sounds like there may be a wide range of expierence levels coming. the fast experts can go do their thing. while a couple experts hang back to lead/sweep the the other groups. no passing the leaders and no falling behind the sweepers. phone numbers will be exchange. bring maps and road atlases and doc... have some decent copies of a solid route and itinerary floating around for the leaders/sweeps/ and whoever else wants them. or at least post them in a printable version. I'm lookin forward to lunch on the river. newbs are welcome, but honestly if you are a newb. please let us know so we can look out for you, maybe divide the newbs up (dunno if a separate group of newbs is a good idea) ride checklist.... must have all the following... otherwise, stay home 1.endorsement 2.machine in working order 3.helmet + gear 4. flexible goals for this ride no squids and no ego maniacs please