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Everything posted by Revelstoker

  1. To the OP, welcome to DRAMSHOP, albiet, about 30 years too late. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dram_shop As a bartender and server, I have taken those courses and gone through the drill. The profit motive is also at fault as their establishment profitability depends on amount of liquor consumed. Like most things, personal responsibility (or lack there of) is always the root cause. State has to step in and play nanny because Joe and Jane are unable to make the correct rational decisions or accept responsibility when they F-up!!!!!! If you think the law is F-ed up, wait till you get the premium for the insurance.
  2. I'm in. Though, we might want to make it $6k for finish construction and operational funds.
  3. WOW, I wondered what was going to happen to the track. I gave up searching for news a couple years ago. $2.5M seems like a steal as some guy just built his own 1.1mile track for a couple mil. I would love to see the business case on this one to see what kind of cash flow they assumed it would produce.
  4. emailed the poster and called the number. No word back and ad was removed. Scam.
  5. I notice you didn't learn from your mistake or at least it was not on that reciept. http://motorcycle.motorcycle-superstore.com/motorcycle/Tire%20Plug%20Kit Never leave home without one.
  6. DON'T DISS the scooter option and there are options that are a bit more masculine if you have personal image issues. Honda Ruckus, for example. Bazinga!!! http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=931280#post931280 You can check with the campus police but in many cases, scooters are allowed to park with the bicycles and that can be a huge time saver if you ride the bike on campus. Scooters get excellent fuel mileage and are a lot easier to store than a motorcycle. Bicycle is really the best option. If none of those work, I would suggest a Honda 230L or something similar.
  7. Missed this group. I was out on the Harley just a few weeks ago. Poor thing needs a bath in the worst way.
  8. damn, nice set of bikes. I will keep an eye out for that SMC as they seem to fairly rare in these parts.
  9. Nice, just in time for someone to pay taxes on the win in 2012. Oh well, I guess I will survive.
  10. Shiver = nice ride. I took a good close look at those for a while. Pretty capable bike in the right hands, but then, which ones are not. http://www.joevertical.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:apilia&catid=1:latest-news
  11. Obamacare, the unfunded mandate is going to hurt employers and we can expect prices to rise. Healthcare system is so messed up the only way to really solve the problem is to throw away what we have and start over. Much like our tax system. Competition needs to be introduced into the market in order to drive down prices and increase practiced care. Individuals need to assume responsibility for the care and doctors need to be freed to actually practice medicine and not test taking. There is too much collusion between Insurance, medical groups and the government over what we can and cannot have. Personally, I like the medical plan I have now. We have to pay out of pocket until we hit a deductible level of $2,200 per year for treatment and $1,800 for prescriptions. We actually decide if medical treatment is necessary and if yes, in many cases, if we tell the doctor we are paying cash with no insurance, they charge us less. Health care has never been cheap and for the government to think they can just waver their wand and make the problem go away is stupidity.
  12. Keep an eye on US Highland. They are not the best looking but are promising made to order race bikes for the street. I am watching the StreetTracker and the Viking. No idea on pricing though. Not sure what they have planned for dealer support.
  13. Yes, i got all excited for nothing. I read more on the article to discover that Honda is not planning to bring this bike to the states or anywhere. However, the article speculated the parts could easily be made through the aftermarket and I bet some entrepreneurial biker builder type could make this a reality. Especially since the rear cowl is suspected to be off the CBR6. If only Honda would do this to light a fire under Ducati to make a new SS/ST. Norton passed the US certs for smog. So, we might see them stateside in 2013. Though, the one I saw at the dealer show last year was quite small so I am not sure I would actually fit comfortably on the bike even when they make it here.
  14. Ooops, the desire for the new Norton may have just been supplanted by the announcement that this bike is coming to the states.
  15. Much like the "mauling" of America in the '70s and 80's that killed the down-towns and forced a inefficient "suburban" distribution model on many towns, Walmart came in in the '90s and decimated the small town America. If Walmart didn't exist, there would be a place to buy toys.
  16. Liberal pansies courts will probably give the truck driver the benefit of doubt, his license back and a too bad so sad to the riders and their families. http://www.ehow.com/way_5185339_involuntary-manslaughter-sentencing-guidelines.html When, MFer should get the chair!!!!!!!!! Terrible beyond any level of comprehension. Sure, there is some level of assumed risk with everything we do but when the error is so large, "my bad" just doesn't seem quite equitable.
  17. Cheapass moves like this only serve to insure that retail stores that assume the cost of display inventory and customer service will disappear if they get "shopped" and purchase made elsewhere. Iron Pony provided a service to you and that service may have been the up-charge on that helmet. We have to support the guys that support us and keep the money in the community.
  18. Here is a very valuable service. http://www.score.org/ Check this out, go to some meetings and actually pitch your idea. Yes, as part of your business plan be sure to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the CYA stuff. Find a lawyer and set up the LLC(s) and make sure every nook and cranny is boilerplated so the lame-ass J.Q. Public scammers can't get to your personall assets. Insurance comes in but make sure the insurance is not a target to the scammers as well. (For our latest yogurt shop, I think we have 3 layers of LLCs before someone could ever get to us.) Accountant is good for tax prep and inform you on which way to go, but don't understimate how much you can do yourself with Excel. Bookeeper may be all you need and there are plenty of options for payroll checks. Be honest with yourself and your money. It will cost 5x the amount you think for marketing (time and money) and your sales will be -3x your expectations. There are lots of new options on CC processing and P.O.S systems. From your brief description, it sounds like you will need a P.O.S system to keep track of all you inventory and sales. Systems are expensive and rentals are an option. CC processing fees can be as low as $.10 per transactions, so they are not as heinous as before. (thanks to SQUARE and others) Next, be honest with your time. These businesses are 363 days, 10-12 hour a day operations and you will be involved. No days off to go riding. If you have to borrow from a bank, you better be very conservative with the cash flow. In all honesty, if you have never worked in retail before, do so now. Volunteer at a similar operation or something to get a flavor.
  19. Unions have a roll in this for sure. If we believe they would rather have a 100% pay cut vs. 8%, then they are stupid. What is executive pay and how much of a reduction did the executives take to save the company. If saving the company was really the goal, then everyone should have had their pay reduced to a level that produced a positive balance sheet. If the base rate was $35, $50k a year, then that is what it is. Hedge fund owners obviously see more in a breakup and salvage than ongoing operations. Personally, the problems come from the products. They have F'ed with the formulations over the years in attempt to lower costs where the products taste like shit. Hostess Cupcakes used to rock and with the resurgence of cupcakes, Hostess should have been able to capitalize. But, they didn't. Tasteless, plastic frosting crap. Little donuts taste like sand as they are usually so dried out. I used to love those things. Crumbcakes, same deal. Wonderbread, only wonder is why it ever sold. Shit is like 90% water with little to no nutritional benefit. Smart people, collectively stupid. How many Union leaders are out of a job????
  20. Any publicized stats on the biggest powersport sites? ADVrider, Magazines, Goldwing,... have the biggest membership and activity?
  21. Awesome bike. Interesting that they showed a close up of the motor to show the SAS blocking plates being used.
  22. No, I wish. 2005 JCW Convertible Well, Pani is under and HP4/ZX10R are both over but yes, not uncommon. P2W ratio is so overkill that they require elecro assist to make rideable but that is an argument for another thread. Personally, they have pushed these bikes far beyond anything that I would want or need. B and C cup kind of guy, I don't need DDs and I will let you all fight over them. ----- Now, back to to the SuperDuke. What have you have seen and can you burn those mental images into a GIF? Is your production mule less sexy? I came close to buying the old one, twice but opted in the end for the SMT.
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