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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc

    02 vfr800

    Vfr 800 on a 500 mile twisty ride >>>>>> SV 650 fun on 200 miles
  2. Been waiting for the 3, awesome set up
  3. Wish I could, the day is so good for an october I am posting in every thread to go out and ride. Take lot of pics
  4. Youngstown 50 mins to Cleveland
  5. NinjaDoc

    02 vfr800

    Ryan buy it buy it Jerry needs to buy it if not Amazing deal
  6. Unfortunately I am stuck today, anybody with freeze time should go out and ride, it's a crime not to ride on a day like this
  7. Absolutely Beautiful day, ride safe, don't miss out if you are sitting on the fence about this Wish I could join
  8. Holy crap, amazing invention. Hope it becomes mass production and not get shelved by the influence of big corps
  9. I would trust this guy 100% always accurate and uptodate on road conditions
  10. Office building definitely needs more instruments
  11. I wanted to reply to every comment including yours lol and no thx UP, won't trust online socialization with you and IP hahaha once I get to know every one, may be next year.
  12. Was thinking of doing that, but then I have to come up with description for every one, which people may or may not like, so thought not to take any chances.
  13. Yea, when I was filming it I thought why the no squid sticker all the way in Ohio, nickgnaime gonna be happy, haha Thx holly, btw nice glasses
  14. Nickgnaime big YouTube guy from Cali coast commented on the video, niceee so it's getting around I guess. Too bad I can't get on YouTube to reply
  15. Dang working , always wanted to make one of these rides at least once
  16. Thx, hope u can make it next time and give poor snot some company I remember you telling me last year you will make it next year, and you did even though we missed the monster association next year we repeat Every one looks good, except Todd of course who we can't see Thx roll, next year hopefully we can pull this off again with a bigger group Is this a pattern forming up
  17. It held for bikerboy, must be good stuff
  18. +1 on agv sport, very good reliable products at affordable pricing, and good cuts too. Been using them on and off since last two years, after oiling still looks brand new
  19. Next time will bring spy cam for you
  20. Skip 313 for this season, all broken up. If fixed would be a fabulous road to ride, that corner is tricky if you guys riding there, right in front of Seneca marina.
  21. Thx Jerry, part of me wish I had more ride footage
  22. Thank you very much guys for the appreciation likes and comments
  23. Thx guys rate comment on you tube plz so the video gets famous than those west coast Cali squid videos hehehe
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