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Everything posted by rollnhot

  1. Sounds like the little fuck got off easy to me.
  2. Yikes talk about your dirty love
  3. Next year at Deals Gap you can ride with us big boys
  4. My FZI is no slug, but on a twisted road it cant touch a SV650 until we hit some good straights. My buddy Jeff rode his R1 to the Gap with us this June, he's now shopping for a FJR or a FZ1. 200 TO 400 miles a day kicked his ass.
  5. Have a similar set up in my bike barn, post some pics later. Built a 12x12 home for the steeds on the end of my carport with metal shelves for big stuff, FJR trunk, tail bag, tank bag, big totes with out of season gear. Wooden shelf for helmets, boots, gloves with hooks underneath to hang jackets & pants. Best grand ever spent. FYI mothballs will keep most bugs, spiders included at bay.
  6. I travel to Jamestown Ky. pretty often for work. Almost every trip I'll get passed on I 75 running 80-85 by a Ky state bronze rolling at about a buck ten and they always wave. When you got the badge the laws on your side.
  7. Page 4 and dudes ass still hurts, try the bacon flavor lube and be done with it.
  8. Nice bike Jenna, now cook those tires and show them haters some chicken strips.
  9. Sausage run, aint that what Gen 3 calls a night on the town. Word of advise, dump them Shinkos get some Angel GTs on that Bandit. How you like the bike, STs are the boss.
  10. Sound like a good start for birthday festivities for Snot and some old guy that shares the same date.
  11. I'm in aerospace and the engineers dont engineer they just copy the sos, just like the Motor Company. But its all about the money, take the job. One more line on your resume, and you might get some do rags & t shirts as a sign on bonus.
  12. If you ride more than 3 times a year in Ohio, your gonna get wet. Wish I could ride the river with y'all but gotta work $$$$$$
  13. I suggest a cock hauler...er... FJR
  14. Saw like two Tenn. bronze all weekend on 129 & they were rollin. Ride it.
  15. Kman followed me 300+ miles on his lil Ninja, you can put big miles on those bikes. Just take your time and a few breaks.
  16. Just caught this, sorry to here this. Is he ok .
  17. rollnhot

    New To Me

    Nice ride there girl. I'm diggn that blue.
  18. I rode 1300 miles last weekend on a stock seat and my ass feels great. Just ask Gump I think he copped a feel while I was distracted. lol
  19. rollnhot

    Magzfest '13

    Will their be hookers & blow ?
  20. Damn that looks like a Mexican prison gang, and their putica lindas. lol
  21. Glad you guys made it home, I guess the lil Ninja got choked up on the big FJRs exaust. Had a blast this weekend, Devils Triangle was great. Turn One got me more than a little fucked up on Jager bombs last night. Dying Shadow & Kman rode back with me today, got caught in a monster storm.
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