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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I'd say he's back to 85% of who he was before prednisone. He played tug of war with me for the first time since we put him on that shit. Today was a good day.
  2. Wife is out of town that weekend, have to stay home with dog...if she comes home early I may be down...
  3. Hoping he gets infected and passes it on to this asshole: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/10/farrakhan_claims_ebola_invented_by_feds_to_kill_blacks.html
  4. He has. He's never wanted for anything his whole life and always got plenty of treats, love and exercise.
  5. Skipped the ojibwa today in favor of dropping his prednisone dose again. Skipped his 7pm pills and by 9 there was a marked improvement. 15 min ago he played tug of war with me. He hasn't done that for 5 or 6 days. Vet advised us that in dropping the prednisone dose we would be trading quality for quantity...and we decided it was worth it. I'd rather have my old dog back for a few weeks than have a depressed sick dog for a few months. I've come to terms with letting him go. I'd rather see him happy for what time we have left.
  6. Probably best you did that. You can find out the jetting easily tho, just pop out a main jet and look up the stock main jet size. It will be engraved on the jet. If it's higher than stock, someone has done a rejet....so pull them carbs back off and have a look-see!
  7. High praise from someone who thinks I'm a paranoid asshat.
  8. The diagram for fever looks like Tyrone biggums, the crackhead from 'Chapelle ' s show'
  9. That's because you don't understand what airborne means. An airborne virus can live on its own without bodily fluids, suspended in the air for an extended amount of time.
  10. Gonna try ojibwa extract capsules. My neighbors dog had cancer and the stuff got him a year more Than the month the vet gave him, and it was a good healthy year.
  11. Eh...he's not having such a good day today. Pissed on thr kitchen floor, hasn't shit since Saturday afternoon as far as we know....low energy...maybe he'll feel better when I get home.
  12. Damn. I know boiling them in water with wintergreen oil added will replace a lot of the VOC's and make the rubber more pliable. Only bike I've had to use a ratchet strap on was an old vf750 interceptor...v4 is a huge pain in the dick.
  13. Boil those boots next time, softens up the rubber and they slip right on.
  14. Yeah he's an eating machine and is still losing weight despite it. We put his water up at night and get gets to go out very frequently.
  15. Evaporust for the rust, then a creem kit or phosphoric acid to seal the steel. Try your hand at some bondo for the dents.
  16. You don't have to take the motor all the way out, iirc you have to drop the exhaust and a couple other things like shifter and carbs then you can unbolt and kind of swing the motor halfway out of the frame to access the stator. If it needs done and you're anywhere near the canton area message me and I'll hook you up.
  17. Update: The prednisone really fucked him up for a while. 4 pills twice a day shrunk his inflamed lymph nodes back down to normal but also made him lethargic, drink and piss constantly and gave him the shits. Friday was the worst, he finished off all his food and water in the middle of the night and shit on the carpet. The wife got him some stuff from the vet that basically replaces the good bacteria in his bowels and firms his poo back up. Also cut his prednisone dosage in half. Friday was bad, he was actually acting sick. Huge improvement today. We went on a walk and he actually would jog with me. He is much more lively, had a lot of energy. We went to her parents tonight for our niece and nephews birthday party and brought him. Everyone loved him and as usual he was a very good dog. Came home and he decapitated one of his toys...he hasn't shown much interest in that kind of action in a few days. Super extra special thanks to nick (gsxkat1100) for stopping over Thursday with toys and treats. You will not find a more solid dude and he is yet another good friend I have thanks to ORDN. Super extra regular thanks to everyone else that have offered their kindness and support, it is much appreciated, it's good to know that among the ass-hattery and general shit talking, keyboard commandos and good natured ribbing that goes on here there is still a community of generally awesome people who genuinely give a fuck. Beers on me whenever we meet.
  18. Sweet road sofa...the 1200 was the last wing that was even remotely easy to work on.
  19. Looks like I'm stopping by the paint shop at work Monday...
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