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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. The quest in itself defies science as you cannot prove something doesn't exist.
  2. Call it what you want, they didn't have the hazmat suits at first.
  3. Update: He's still going strong. With the steroids down to a minimum he's back to his old self for most of the day....still plays tug like a beast posessed. Eating us out of house and home...well not really but he's a bottomless pit. Still runs a block or so with me if I set the pace....it's kind of easy to pretend he's not sick...the prednisone still gives him the shits tho, but the rx meds from the vet help. Tuesday was his 7th birthday. He got half a dozen scrambled eggs for breakfast, 3 mcdonalds cheeseburgers for lunch and freshpet expensive ass refridgerated dog food for dinner... I'm hoping we can maintain this level of quality for him for as long as possible. Every day is a gift but I would love to see him make it past our wedding.
  4. The 2 nurses were infected because the hospital hadn't put proper controls in place and the nurses were cleaning up puke and shit without the correct ppe. Really nothing to do with the cdc.
  5. You're dumb. Pull it off the wall and open the back of it.
  6. Well it definitely kicks the shit out of the new 750 cc cruiser abomination honda pooped out a few months ago....that thing should have been strangled in the womb.
  7. The complaints I saw were more of the 'ugly as fuck from fender to fender' variety...but it's a cruiser that doesn't copy the t shirt company so naturally people will get confused.
  8. People on motorcycle magazine facebook pages are already hating on it almost unanimously. Of course none of them have rode it yet...so they're probably just douchebags. Still, it doesn't bode well for sales. I think it's a good idea and would love to see the 80's Japanese muscle cruiser come back.
  9. Something has, you just choose to believe that your good fortune is attributed to tithing.. If you lose everything tomorrow will you attribute that to tithing too, or does it only work one way? And what I earn is 100% mine. I didn't see sonny Jesus down here on the shop floor turning wrenches.
  10. Smh... God needs paper printed by a bank.
  11. Nick, no not in massillon. The old 97 cafe in kenmore...pretty nice place.
  12. This is why my neighbor and I have discussed our overlapping fields of fire.
  13. We refused help from either side...it would be different if we were in our early 20's or something but we're 34 and 35 and are pretty well-established. No need for our parents to float the bill.
  14. Have a close friend or family member get ordained by the online church of phony baloney. My fiancé s sister did and she will be officiating the service...which is in the same place as the reception....which is essentially a bar....because we are fucking classy as fuck.
  15. Here comes the conspiracy..... Yes poppa that's where the money went. To universities that know the ropes and apply for these research grants to keep the money flowing into their departments.
  16. Only time I ever clutch out slowly is when starting off in first, after that just match and dump...
  17. Too bad the nih pissed away money granting ridiculous studies like finding out chimps are mostly right handed, chimps who are better at throwing their shit enjoy higher social mobility, origami condoms (that turned out to be a fraud) and plenty of other ridiculous shit instead of researching shit that really matters.
  18. I'm not too bright this early in the morning...also I'm going off the bottom dollar cheapest shit I could find when I thought I wanted a big reception... $150 union hall, catered chicken and pasta, cheap beer etc...
  19. For 250 people to do a traditional wedding at a venue with catered food you're looking at well over 7 grand....start saving now....
  20. Everyone involved in the posting and filming of this video should have to suck Frankie off.....that's just messes up.
  21. Nice bike....I've often thought about returning to cruiserville....but I'd have to sell one of my babies...
  22. Peaches come in a can. They were put there by a man. In a factory downtown.
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