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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I've never heard of anything more useless than being anti gay.
  2. Just gonna put this here for the lolz... Street Fighter Pastor Edición Iglesia - Pastores …:
  3. I have experienced strange things before....a friend lived in a house he swore was haunted, to the point that he put a baby monitor in the basement so I could listen to the ghosts....and we did hear things on it...but we were also coked out of our minds the entire time...so what we likely heard was the floor creaking... but at the time we were convinced it was ghosts.
  4. What's that there above the steamer? Looks like a 12 volt adapter.... Helmet crapping rules.
  5. This. While an eye witness may be the strongest evidence in court, it's the weakest evidence in science. As soon as you see something, your brain begins to manipulate the memory and every time you recall it, it's a little different...a little more what you want it to be, or what you don't want it to be.
  6. Cats battle invisible enemies all the time, I wouldn't call it proof of ghosts.
  7. If only I didn't live like 3 hours away...
  8. Thanks. I'd rather my brother and I find him first....
  9. Ohhh.... yeah check batteries.
  10. Check the control board for a trouble light. ..if it's flashing then you can look up the code. My furnace did the same thing last winter. There was corrosion built up on the thermocouple that tells the board that the burner is on. Cheap to replace but all you really have to do is polish it up with emery paper.
  11. The only color gear you should wear is black. My shit is black head to toe. People know you mean business I'd you're in all black. Nobody ever rear ended Johnny cash.
  12. Frank Zappa 1988 03 03 Catholic Girls: http://youtu.be/jmXYhpR9nCI
  13. If those projections are based on Africa I wouldn't worry. I was in a relationship with a girl from south Africa for almost 3 years. She has seen things. She told me a story about going into a village with the w.h.o. to teach them about condoms. They demonstrated how to put one on by rolling it onto the handle of a rake and told them that if the men used them they would not spread aids. A year later they went back. There was a condom on every rake and shovel. There was also a lot more aids.
  14. Got the weekend alone with him, wifey is in Dayton visiting her sister. Gonna try and get some good walks in on the towpath.
  15. Studies have shown that the instances of terminal cancer being healed by faith or prayer are exactly the same as those that have gone into spontaneous remission. It's a trick of the human mind to count the hits and ignore the misses. People believe what they want to believe and they will adjust their own perception of reality to fit into that belief structure. It's when you show them things that challenge that belief structure, especially when it's solid evidence, that they suffer from cognitive dissonance and start to invent things to refute your evidence and support their beliefs. None of this is healthy behavior.
  16. If any of that shit worked psychics would win the lotto and priests would work in hospitals. Medical science heals. God gets the credit.
  17. Yeah...they've reopened the case a few times and run the DNA every once in a while but nothing ever comes up.
  18. Gixxus Christ!


    Chinese will hopefully be beaten to death in jail...remember the alliance he struck with the AB via marylin mansons character? Jax will find out about his mom killing Tara and causing all this shit, probably from juice, and he will kill her, the sheriff chick will kill him. Only members I see surviving are rat and bobby...but we will see...
  19. Gixxus Christ!


    Shit is not looking good.
  20. Same thing happened to my oldest sister in akron back in 1991 except she was also stabbed and died from her injuries. They never caught the fucker that did it... similar rape/murders were also committed in PA, MI and IN I believe.
  21. He actually really loves the food we've been making for him: beef liver, ground turkey, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli and brown rice all cooked down to a mush....he fucking lives for it.
  22. He's doin ok...still not very energetic. I'm hoping he gets a little better before he starts getting worse.
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