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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I was curious so I read everything Wikipedia had on the amish....on the clock at work....on overtime.
  2. The amish don't have churches. They have the church as in the institution but there is no building. They worship every other Sunday at a members home.
  3. Amish women don't cut their hair. You can't tell because it's always up, because it's a sin of pride to let it down, but amish women typically have super long hair depending on how observant the particular sect is. And really hairy pussies/legs/pits.
  4. I remember reading about this a few years ago. She was in a motel room with her husband and another man. According to their statements the men tried to go down on her but were repulsed by the smell. She does look like she has a smelly squish-mitten.
  5. Easy A(nal). Both are good looking, he definitely fucked it up for everyone. But these bitches are sick. Cmon. A kid? Sure 16 is old enough to drive and even the age of consent in some states (including ohio) but 16 yr old kid is still a fucking idiot and not capable of making good choices most of the time. how old are these teachers? 34 and 26 or something? If a 2 male teachers the same ages made an eiffel tower with a 16 yr old cheerleader you'd all be calling for his head and nuts on a platter. But good on this kid, he will be a legend in that school for as long as it stands.
  6. Exactly. Grab a version of autocad off pirate bay, buy a vice or some hold down clamps, make whatever you want. Even butt plugs.
  7. Wasn't being defensive dude....wtf? It's called a joke. I was trying to illustrate that it can make other things. Sorry if I struck a nerve with the butt plug comment, I didn't know it was a sore subject with you. Don't be mad bro
  8. If its a cnc mill you can do whatever you want with it, it's all g codes and m codes. It may be optimized to do lowers with the size and price, and it may not be able to handle harder materials at any significant feed rate but a cnc mill is a cnc mill. Buy one and I'll come program it to make shiny butt plugs if you want....but a lathe would be better for that.
  9. It's a cnc mill. With a cad/cam program you can make pretty much anything with it as long as it's not bigger than the machine can cut, you have the tooling and the bar stock...so you could design and make your own pistol frames, motorcycle parts, whatever.
  10. Yes indeed. For $1200 you can buy a mini cnc machining center designed to make AR 15 lowers. Shut up and take my money http://www.wired.com/2014/10/cody-wilson-ghost-gunner
  11. Thanks pauly, though we see each other online far more than in person you've been a good friend to me and I appreciate that. You should meet this dog...if you're inclined to ride south soon I'd like to offer you a sammich and a chance to play with the best dog I've ever had. You have my number.
  12. I hear that. 14 yrs is a good run for a large breed, you're lucky in that but I feel your pain on the slow decline. Ty will be 7 this month. I always sort of figured that he would have at least 5 more years in him. We took him to the vet because he was getting really finicky with his eating, he'd turn his nose up to dry food etc... we did some research and tried starving him into just eating the food. When that failed we hit the vet. He was 6 lbs lighter than 9 months ago on check in. The tech asked if he always had so much flesh in his neck. He's always had big jowls but she said they felt full. She left and while we waited for the vet I started feeling around his throat and his lymph nodes were the size of egg yolks. The vet came in, looked at his gums and said they were light, and it was a sign of anemia, and that coupled with the enlarged nodes pointed to a number of things. After blood work and doing slides on his nodes she confirmed that he had lymphoma. After 2 days of prednisone the nodes in his neck are shrunk back down. He eats pretty good, still plays and runs, still gets excited when I ask if he wants to go walk. He's still the same dog for all outward intents and purposes. His deuces are a bit loose lately but I attribute that to the diet, the steroids and the vitamin c. I'm going to just enjoy these days and hope they last a long time. So far this is the first day I haven't broken down and cried with the wife, but the day isn't over yet. I take solace in knowing that I'm making every day the best I can for him. I spend every night at home after work now, not wanting to miss out on a minute of time with my buddy. My only hope is that once he starts to get really sick that it doesn't last long and that I have the selflessness and mercy to take that last drive with him when it's time. It feels good to get this out on (virtual) paper. Thank you all for reading and for your support and kind words.
  13. Lol... I like to ride a cruiser now and then as long as it's got decent power...hell I owned one for part of a season and really enjoyed it...my 1100 shadow was a fun bike for what it was....but I don't think I ever really was a cruiser people.
  14. Agree. 1 oil change worth of riding is not much experience. I started in the dirt as a kid before i got on the street and I also didn't ride at all between age 18 and 26 while I was busy being an idiot. I might have 70k miles experience on the street between all the bikes I've owned and idk how many hours in the dirt before that and I'd only describe myself as an adept rider....
  15. This is the mindset I'm trying to maintain and it's helping. But alcohol and atavan have been doing the heavy lifting at night. Thanks again everyone.
  16. Ty's favorite thing to do is butcher toys and dine on the delicious squeaker within. My wonderful woman hit petsmart today and bought the toys with the most squeakers. Here he is starting in on a 3 ft long Japanese dragon with probably 20 squeakers inside.
  17. I just wanted to pass a busa on one wheel after destroying it in the twisties....
  18. Phonetic for stop. Do you even internet, bro?
  19. I used to ride at the edge of my abilities. 3 wrecks in 2 years cured me of that...I'm not nearly as aggressive a rider as I used to be. The wife is happy about that. I still have my fun but I don't push it like I used to.
  20. See deez NUTS! Had to. Carry on.
  21. No more delicious vaginal discharge for me...the wife will be so sad...
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