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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. You're the one with the bus. I'm hitting a 4th of july party that Saturday so will likely be majorly hungover Sunday. I may want the day to just rehydrate and recover so I'm fresh Monday morning but in the end it's your party.
  2. Thanks. Just wish someone would take this bike and ride it. Shes just been sitting in the garage for over a month.
  3. Well I have no other use for cred than to trade it for supporter status.
  4. @Tonik its 10k rep points for supporting member status correct?
  5. So the pro grip tank pad I bought specifically because it was black with blue edges has completely had the blue bleached out by the sun in less than a week. Wtf?
  6. I'll never sell all of them, but am considering letting the cb750 project I built go, it just sits there looking fast....
  7. Is it that time of year already? Better check my rep points and see if I can afford it.
  8. If I were a moderator i could do that shit myself....
  9. Bump, priced reduced to 2 grand. Come get this thing out of my garage, I'm sick of tripping over it.
  10. Motociclista's name on profile is lance bexley. Author of article is listed as Lance Oliver. Plausible.
  11. What is this 'clean' you speak of?
  12. Canton? I looked at one in canton a few years ago. Was very rough. They're great bikes for the vintage, 5 valve head, reasonably stiff frame and decent suspension. Don't expect to see much on your flip tho, they aren't very sought after from what I've seen, but $500 is good if it doesn't need a bunch of shit. Make sure the motor isn't locked up, a buddy of mine bought one that had a grenaded clutch basket, locked up trans and motor and sold it to some dude who was gonna rebuild. .
  13. Buy my bandit. Comes with givi touring pack, has gsxr1100 cams and lots of suspension mods. Looks goofy because its a bandit. Runs like stink off a skunks ass.
  14. Been thinking about buying a spare ecu to flash for my gsx-s1000f. Don't want to void the warranty, so that's my only option. Also leaning heavily towards putting a yosh can on it, mostly for looks....maybe if the bandit ever sells....
  15. Buddy of mine in Akron has a ninja 250 for sale. It's a very recent model and in damn good shape. Has an aftermarket pipe and sounds phenomenal. I can get details of you're interested. Just pm me.
  16. Yeah, I don't think the quality is really going to be there for a $90 CF helmet. Something smells fishy there, carbon fiber is an expensive and laborious process. Is it Snell or DOT approved?
  17. July 2 is the ORDN track day at mid ohio.... just sayin...
  18. Well then I guess um....I'm the asshole. But this thread keeps getting bumped to the top, so maybe a lesser asshole.
  19. Bike is far from stock, it would surprise you. Posted in keeping with the theme of derailment of this thread and as an answer to what's post about his triple.
  20. Welcome to the shit show. Start working on your emotional callous now, you'll need it around here in a few months.
  21. Gixxus Christ!

    Ride 6-7

    Damn, I gotta stay glued to my phone browser or something? Could have made mt hope in 20 min.
  22. This info is available on the mid Ohio website.
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