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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Too tight a chain will also eventually cause the counter shaft seals to leak oil, and nobody wants that
  2. I would have left the thicker wires on. Think of electricity as water, the smaller the pipe (wire) the higher the pressure for a given volume. The pressure in this case is heat generated by so much power trying to go through a limited amount of wire. If the r1r/r is supposed to be better, go for it. I would try and find out what gauge wire is supposed to be used where.
  3. Go for a solid state drive, more stable, consume less power, faster too.
  4. I'd hit it like a caveman.
  5. Worst web site ever for mobile users. Video never loaded and then it crashed my browser. Hope the trooper is severely punished, there is no excuse for this.
  6. Yesterday on the way to work I come to a 'T' intersection. I'm in what would be the vertical of the T, in the left turn lane. Light is red. Idiot woman in right turn lane at the light is stopped. People in what would be the right horizontal of the T have green and are both going straight and turning left. Woman at light is still stopped. Irate man behind said woman begins to honk politely. Woman creeps up six inches. Man jinks rudely. Woman creeps again. Man honks, yells and gesticulates wildly. Woman moves not an inch. Light turns green. Woman ever so slowly and cautiously makes her right turn. Man bursts blood vessel in brain and can no longer see the color purple....the movie, not the actual color. Most of the population of this state can't find their own asshole with two hands and a flash light. Why we let them drive is beyond me.
  7. Hey pauly, look up, something went over your head.
  8. Yeah, what Brian said. Ill just stay home, watch pirates of the Caribbean and discharge a firearm near my ears for an afternoon, same effect.
  9. Wow. Surprised that A: anyone would want to see the killers and B: that they would drive to shitsburg to see them.
  10. My uncle has one of the casings from his son's 21 gun salute on his keychain. This is one of the most assinine laws I've ever heard of. Spent brass is harmless.
  11. Posting for a friend. They're this set but in chrome: http://t-rex-racing.com/catalog.php?item=46 Belonged to his brother. Used once before said brother wrecked his bike and died. If you're serious ill just pass your number along to him, he lives in massillon.
  12. I had a shadow 1100 for a while, similar motor, similar bike. It was only a 4 speed but had plenty above 75. Topped out at around 120. It was very chuggy tho if you short shifted it, and sounded like it wanted to scatter if you wound it up. No tach but it had the redline speed of each gear printed on the spedo.
  13. Its really not a hard job at all, there's no real trick to it. If you were closer I'd say bring it over this weekend.
  14. http://www.blastwaves.com/Motorhead/Motorcycle_Helmets/Full_Face_Street_Helmet/966.html But it just wouldn't look right on a zook.
  15. To mirror my facebook thread, called em, dude said he would have to see the head to know if he had the tooling.
  16. Gixxus Christ!


    For some reason my phone autocorrected that...I must have misspelled it once and for some reason my phone remembered it....stupid HTC garbage.
  17. Yeah, I liked it because its really close to my house but dude is a dick- total Harley fag. Now I have to drive to j&j to get tires done.
  18. I've been taking my tire changes to a place called "the byke shop" here in massillon for like 4 years now. Local business, one guy working, always seemed to do good work and plenty of it. I needed nee guides pressed into a head and valve seats cut so I took the head, guides and valves to this guy and he said it'd be about two weeks. That was a month ago. I went down there today and he offered no appology, just told me to take my parts with me. This doesn't seem like a good way to run a business. So, anyone know a good shop in neo that can handle this job in a timely manner?
  19. Eh, I've managed to go very fast everywhere I go this long and have only had 3 speeding tickets in life, ill do without. Most of my driving is work commute, same road every day, i know all the spots the cops hide.
  20. Red state. Check it out, good movie. These are obviously notes from Gabriel's horn, signaling the ...idk I don't read fairy tales. When investigated thoroughly, all 'supernatural' phenomena have a natural explanation, be it hoax, rail car or burgeoning trombone enthusiast.
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