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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Your pit destroys your house when you're not home because of anxiety. He is so dependent on your company he freaks out when you aren't around. Puppies chew but destructive behavior should be gone by year 2 at the latest. Our dog doesnt chew. Now if I leave a Wendy's wrapper or something out he will chew it up but otherwise can be left alone as long as we either gate him out of the living room or put laundry basketson the furniture to keep him off.
  2. I work afternoons and my commute home takes me down an unlit section of 241. I drive it with my brights on but dim for oncoming traffic. I get a few that forget and dim when I flash them and then a few assholes who don't dim at all....makes me wish I had some zillion candlepower aircraft landing lights for when they don't get the hint...goat blood balloons will work till then.
  3. She got our dog years before we met. He's like 5 or 6 now and definitely set in his ways. In the past 4 or so years I have managed to leash train him, teach him some tricks and simple commands and stuff but he would definitely not take well to kenneling. He's a huge pussy and it would probably emotionally scar him.
  4. I want a catch word too.....henceforth I shall punctuate every comment with the word "snugglefuck". Snugglefuck.
  5. Gixxus Christ!


    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  6. There is no way that she would allow her precious baby dog to be put in a kennel while we are gone, she treats that dog like its her own child. My cats dont cover my house with hair or filth, plus we vaccuum the place weekly so its not like it has a chance to build up.
  7. Ok, having both cats and dogs I can say there are ups and downs to both animals. We recently dropped $3600 on new living room furniture because the dog ruined the old stuff with his claws. He wouldn't get on it while we were home but when left alone its the first place he would go. He also thinks everything in the house including my side of the bed is his (i blame the wife, she raised him to sleep in her bed) and he Shits all over my yard. Now I love the dog, he's a good boy and we play every day and he's got personality and he's hilarious and all the great things a dog is, but he's a pain in the balls sometimes. Those who say a cat is a shitty pet have never watched one stalk a squirrel, run it down and catch it, beat it up some, drag it to the center of the yard and let it go, watch it almost make it to a tree and let it think it got away, then catch it again and repeat the process till dead. Sitting on the porch with a six pack watching that, well its just wholesome family entertainment. I like cats because they are miniature versions of some of the planets most viscious and efficient killing machines and the only animal besides humans that hunts for pleasure. Sure you have to clean out a litterbox once a week, it takes five minutes. I'd rather clean my catbox than my yard, which is full of man-sized Shits. I love owning both cats and dogs even though they both have their faults.
  8. And that's why pink should never have done what she calls music.
  9. What do you expect nick? Its been a long winter and alcohol and chronic masturbation just isn't enough to make the pain of not riding go away.
  10. Offering advice to a new rider on ways not to kill himself =\= calling non-gym rats fat and lazy. Especially when you consider nobody comes here looking for health advice.
  11. And all this time I've been participating in the wholesale slaughter of insects for my own amusement...
  12. Looked into vintage jap standards? Nigjthawk 750, gs1100, seca 750 were all very comfy bikes with rreliable motors and decent power. The upright, neutral riding position spreads the weight between your feet and your ass and you're not all hunched over. You can find incredibly well cared-for examples for way less than your budget and if something breaks, eBay is full of good used parts. I rocked old Honda cb bikes for years before I bought a 600 seca 2, which is a little more sporty and it sent me spiraling down the rabbit hole getting more and more powerful and racey sport bikes but I still love the old standards and still own one.
  13. And really, what's the point of doing something if you don't act superior to those who don't?
  14. I have 2 cats and an 85 lb rott-mastiff mix, everyone gets along and I don't put dicks in my mouth. I drive one-handed, I def don't have a six pack, can remember more than the 8-pack of crayolas you obviously still use and drink plenty of beer with my buddies. I despise Starbucks and rarely drink coffee at all. If you've never had creme brulet you're missing out bud.
  15. Definitely lower seat and more comfy for long hauls, I bet the bars don't buzz like the 250 on the freeway either.
  16. False. Claimed 50 at the crank, dyno between 36 and 42 at the wheel, which is fine because nobody buys a sportster because they wanna go fast.
  17. http://bmv.ohio.gov/moped_info.stm Was wrong, top speed is 20 on flat surface.
  18. Not 100% but pretty sure Ohio law defines a moped as a bike with pedals and a motor 50 cc or smaller with a top speed of 30 mph....I might have a old Suzuki ts 90 that's street legal, clean title. Gotta see if dad still wants to keep it. Good little bike.
  19. You went from a 35 hp bike to a 36 hp bike. Drastic improvement. Looks pretty tho.
  20. Most of the miles I put on are super slab commute 200+ miles a week. As much as I love the twisties I don't hit them often enough to justify a compound tire that goes bald after 2k miles. If these are shit ill look into the Bt023, but they came recommended by a few guys on here that I trust to give me good info so I'm gonna see how they go.
  21. Based on the life and times of big ern: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOVPcS2ZKHE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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