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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Wow. Feeds and speeds were like day one of the machining classes I took in high school. One of the shops I apprenticed at gave me a handy little slide rule-type calculator that would figure that stuff as long as you knew the cutting speed for the material you were working. I bet three people on here even know what a slide rule is.
  2. I haven't programmed since trade school and it was all line programming, no fancy pants cam.
  3. Jamal, Lotta posts from you this afternoon, shouldn't you be fueling aircraft or something?
  4. Jamal, I'm down to ride up together, if baptizmo has his little yellow duckie up by then we can make it a threesome...poor choice of words there....
  5. Tried to order the slider Jeans, for option 2 (choose Color) the pop up list doesn't have any choices, just says choose color but site won't let me go to cart without choosing color. Oh well, they just lost a sale.
  6. TETSUOOOOOOOOO! KANEDAAAAAAAAA! I'm actually working on (well having my sister work on) a capsule gang patch for the back of my riding jacket. Always thought the logo looked cool.
  7. I'm down. Is there a more central location in neo? No idea where valley view is, we got a q-lube in north canton.
  8. Well there isn't much you can do to mitigate the stupids.
  9. The stupids will always find a way to shit in your cereal. Welcome to earth.
  10. I have a slightly different philosophy when it comes to riding. I go faster than everyone, that way everything is coming at me from the front, where I am looking. I do glance over my shoulder and check my mirror when switching lanes and such but mostly keep an eye on the road ahead. Of you go faster than traffic there should always be plenty of room between you and the guy behind you when you have to stop.
  11. Why would I look behind me if I didn't have a reason to because I couldn't hear the cop because I was jamming to some slipknot? I use my mirrors plenty.
  12. Bike parts and charred swine in front of a gun shop? Fapfapfapfap.....
  13. I personally crash a bike with every new helmet I buy, just to make sure.
  14. I once rode for about 2 miles at 15-20 over the limit weaving through traffic and splitting lanes and shooting gaps with a county sheriff behind me the whole time. I was on canton rd headed north, she got behind me at Gilchrist and I finally stopped at Eastwood. I had no clue she was chasing me until I got to the light. After a brief discussion about my earbuds and how illegal they are, she asked me of I was any relation to Lawrence (last name omitted). To which I answered yes, he is my older brother. She smiled, said she used to date him and let me go.
  15. I might be out later today, message me if you wanna meet up in a few hours.
  16. I work afternoons, I'm on my way to Akron at 3. There's always the weekend.
  17. Lol. I'm old and fat, haven't played volleyball since high school and I want very Good then. Can't imagine id be any good now.
  18. Yikes, she turned into fuckin crakula!
  19. I live in massillon, we should get together and ride some time, what shift do you work?
  20. High pitched squealing? Probably pads vibrating against rotors, pull them out, grease the backs of them and you should be good.
  21. Pair of black grips worth blue flames, look pretty slick. Make me an offer.
  22. Those Chinese knock off Honda motors don't last, the cylinder isn't sleeved, just bare aluminum bore, or at least the one I took apart was. I don't see them lasting very long, better buy the extended warranty.
  23. Yeah, Yamaha had some pretty ugly color schemes in the 90'S too. Neon people and yellow...
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