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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. lol. idk, looks like trumpy wants to play soldier. business may start booming.
  2. present company is doing everything it can to end all manufacturing operations in akron. they've built plants in kentucky and mexico to do the commercial stuff but we still have govt defense contracts that mandate things be made here in the akron facility. to make matters worse, the guys that were just laid off this week, rumor is the H.R. dept is fucking them out of their contract-guaranteed severance packages. if that's true, I really need to gtfo of here. company obviously doesnt care about the community or even it's own employees. I understand and support capitalism, but for a company to break contract just to save a few thousand dollars seems just...fucking low. So it's time to sharpen my resume and see what this brew equipment manufacturer has to offer.
  3. Long story. I'll keep it short for now because it's late. The company I work for is shrinking. More layoffs this week after closing an entire plant last year. Recently I met the owner of a company that manufacturers high end commercial brewing systems and he asked for a resume. His company is 3 years old but has grown from him in a garage to 50,000 square feet and 20 employees in 3 years. I've been with my current employer ten years. His wages and benefits are commensurate with what I'm making minus a matched 401k. Honestly I'm a bit afraid to take the leap. Hard to give up relative security. Suggestions?
  4. I'm gonna do a few more rental rides before I drop money on something else to store in my garage
  5. Thanks. I love it. It's a 12 tumbler lock, so probably not.
  6. Finished up a project I've been wanting to do for a long time on the Honda. Anyone who's seen it run remembers my ignition switch was a toggle switch next to the headlight. Not super secure. So I decided to Fab up what I think is a very cool and clean solution. Bought a new old stock steering stem nut, milled a slot in it to receive a dual pole, dual throw keyed switch. Wired it up and Shazam.
  7. Went on a fucking bicycle ride today. $15 at my local canoe livery/bike rental spot gets you a 3 mile stretch on the river and an hour on a bike. My plan was to rent the bike, pedal 3 miles up river where they put in the kayaks and paddle downstream. I got there at like 4:40. Last boat in the water by 5. So they say, 'just do the kayak first, then come back and get the bike rental'. I'm out of shape as fuck but I can still hack it, so I do my 3 miles in a kayak, which was mostly enjoyable, and on the way down I'm thinking I'll just get my keys and id from the desk and skip the bike. So I get back and they're like 'ok, let's get you on a bike!' Hit the towpath with 30 minutes running on the timer on my g-shock intending to reset and turn back when it went off. Hit the 3 mile mark where they put my kayak in at 12 min. Decided fuck it, I'm gonna do the hour and I'm gonna hit butterbridge (the put in spot for the 6 mile trip) and come back in this hour. And I did, with 30 sec to spare after taking a 2 min break at the halfway point. I know, 12 miles probably isn't shit to most of you, but I'm almost 38, out of shape as fuck and haven't put more than a few blocks on a bike in 15 years. Felt good. Felt really fucking good to push myself and get it done. So that's my story. IDK if I'll buy a bike. I sure as fuck won't be buying spandex jumpsuits and silly styrofoam helmets. But I'll ride the towpath again, and I'll do it in 45 min.
  8. You two old farts better settle down before someone breaks a hip.
  9. Yeah, nobody was under any kind of impression that you'd show up.
  10. You never should have gotten rid of it in the first place, that was a legit sweet build. Glad she found her way back to you. As for the chick choosing a heavy liter-plus torque monster from hell as her first sporty bike, well, that was dumb.
  11. I thought you sold that bandit. Routing is almost dummy proof. As Pauly said, it's likely in the adjustment. Usually the push cable is a little too tight. Those carbs are especially finicky about cable tension. Pm me if you can't suss it out, I'm like a 15 min ride from you, I'll get em done. @2talltim, semi expert? You mean consummate expert.
  12. But it's tractable, predictable power. The 750 is probably a bit much for a new rider tho.
  13. Main question here is budget. If you're in the 'few thousand' dollar range, look into a bandit 600, fz6, sv650, ninja650 etc. Very capable bikes, reasonably comfy for taller riders and you will not get bored of them easily. If your budget is more in the ten Grand or close to it neighborhood, spring for one of the new Honda cb650's gsxs750 or fz07, Still plenty of bike but not as beastly as an all out sport bike.
  14. Didn't you also pocket a pork sandwich for the road? That could have been the straw that pinched the camel's tire.
  15. Welcome to the shit show torch. Good to have you.
  16. Thanks to everyone who showed up and especially those who contributed. Extra thanks to John for sticking around to help clean up. Was great to see everyone and share good food and good beer with all of you.
  17. Bummer nivin, hoped to see you. In other news, I pulled my pork! Well one of them. The first roast I unwrapped pretty much just fell apart. The other one, not so much....So it's in the oven at 250 for another hour or two in the hope that it will break down and shred. And my rub was a bit salty...A bit too salty. Brats will be great tho. And Pauly is bringing chip dip! Oh, and I fucked up while kegging the IPA and there's bits of hops floating around in it. All we need now is a tornado and a fatal bike accident and it'll be the last fucking NEO meat and greet I ever host. See you tomorrow. I may be slightly hungover.
  18. Gonna smoke a few of those left-handed cigarettes on your bike ride down?
  19. Starting to worry about this pork. Never done Boston butts before. After it hit 170 I pulled it out of the smoker to wrap in foil and put back in to braise and it was....Not tender. Hoping the additional time cooking in foil will help break it down. If not, well, there's still a lot of sausage. Yes, I'm self-conscious about the condition of my meat.
  20. nope. never invested in one. plus I'm desensitized to everything, so most of the time i'd be shooting peoples ankles....
  21. @tall_tracy better come, we need someone to hold the camera.
  22. Don't worry, by Saturday evening you will have seen everyone's up close. No need to speculate after that.
  23. Ok then buns are definitely covered. Me and the wife spent several hours on the garage this evening and it is now presentable. Could still use help setting up tho, tables and chairs and whatnot. Rubbed the pork and kegged the IPA tonight. Things are coming together. If the weather cooperates it will be awesome.
  24. dont you worry, i got plenty of meat to slap in them buns.
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