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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Nivin, it's been too long. I hope you can make it out.
  2. My dort isn't a copy of the great lakes beer, it's more of a helles export. 5.8% ABV, malty with good Noble hop flavor. I just checked the final gravity tonight and it's spot on. I brew all grain, but my equipment isn't fancy, it's rather simple. I use the BIAB or brew in a bag method. Google that shit. The only fancy part is the control panel I built to control my electric mash tun/boil kettle. I can go grain to glass so quick on my ales because 1: I have very good control of fermentation temp and use a very predictable yeast strain and 2: I keg. This allows me to force carbonate my beer instead of naturally carbonating it by adding sugar before bottling. It also allows me to cold crash my beer, which is dropping the temp to near freezing to force all the yeast out of suspension. First few mugs are cloudy, the rest of the keg is brilliantly clear beer. I'll be happy to conduct a tour of my brewery, which consists of standing in my basement for five minutes.
  3. I get a $110 boot voucher from work every year that's only good at red wings, charm or great lakes industrial shoe. never even heard of keen before, where do they sell them??
  4. that's the main event. gotta practice, limber up etc...
  5. There will be good meat this year too. Brats and pulled pork.
  6. Lol, the dortmunder is finishing up primary, will transfer to secondary tomorrow or Saturday and lager it until a few days before the party. My ales typically go from grain to glass in 9 days, quicker depending on style. 4 days primary ferment, then 3 for most of the yeast to drop, then keg, cold crash the rest of the yeast out of suspension and put on high pressure co2 to carbonate for 2 days before dropping to serving pressure. Bigger maltier beers and stuff like chocolate Stout that has to sit on cacao beans for a while take longer, but a basic Amber, pale or blonde ale is ready to drink after a week.
  7. hmm. I make a really good blonde ale. it's not quite american macro-crap but it's like entry level stuff. just realized that whatever i make it will have to be an ale due to equipment constraints, so a budweiser style lager is out the window. now to practice my pork smoking skills.....wish i could find a small boston butt to practice with, i dont really need 5 lbs of pulled pork around the house.
  8. with the date of the event quickly approaching i'm getting my brewing and cooking ducks in a row. slated for the taps will be an IPA, a dormunder style lager and something else. i'd appreciate some input here, as i'm not quite sure what else to brew. maybe a dark beer like a stout or porter? oatmeal chocolate milk stout? or something bland and american for the non craft beer crowd? I have about enough time to do whatever people want, so let me know.
  9. ive been rocking the steel toe sneakers that red wings makes under the worx brand the past year. im in quality now and no longer need to wear heavy leather boots to protect my feet from spilled skydraul and other nasty fluids. they're light, look pretty good and are osha approved and are only right around $100.
  10. judging from that video they may have sent me too big of hose or too small of fititngs. i had to put the hose in a vice and drive the fitting down onto it with a ratchet and socket. fucking e-bay kits....
  11. yeah, i'm taping it. using electrical tape and wrapping it as tight as i can. still bells out a bit after the cut. im gonna finish the job on my own al, it's a pain in the ass but it's my pain in the ass. with the exception of machining the cylinders and heads, i'm the only one to work on this bike in the 12 or so years i've had it.. aim to keep it that way.
  12. Maybe if I were gonna make more than 2 hoses. Can't justify the price of the tool for what I'm doing.
  13. Been using an abrasive cutoff disc to cut it. What should I be using? The videos I watched used a cutoff disc and aviation snips to trim the stainless.
  14. Can't recommend what I haven't tried.
  15. Building -an hoses for my new oil cooler. I will never do this again. Biggest fucking pain in the dick ever. Anyone have tips for getting the hose into the collar other than screaming profanity at it? Shits gonna look dope when it's done, but man this shit sucks to do.
  16. I've been wearing the sliders jeans for like 4 or 5 seasons. Wrecked 3 or 4 times. The Kevlar holds up great. The newest style sliders look identical to regular jeans, have built in hip pads and pockets for knee armor. They are not the greatest for very hot days, but I have a pair of mesh/textile pants for 80°+ days. As far as fit and finish they are usually a bit long, finish is nice, they are well built, double stitched seams etc. I'm on my 2nd pair, would still be wearing the first but the denim finally wore out.
  17. hipsters should be shunned from all commerce for life.
  18. i never claimed it was without flaws. again, this is a tricky subject for me and i'm on the fence about a lot of aspects of it. i would tend to agree with IP and Tim for the most part, but there are also laws that contradict that thinking when it comes to discriminating against people based on color, race, religion etc. i never claimed to have a perfect solution.
  19. i was using that as an extreme example of how that logic can run out of steam depending on what situation it's applied to. try and keep up old man.
  20. im on the fence about this. what if we apply that logic to the medical profession? should a surgeon be able to deny a life-saving operation based on color? disregarding the hypocratic oath, of course.
  21. on the other side of the coin, how many patch holding bikers do you think were pissed off that a city govt forced a baker to make a cake for a gay couple but are enraged that dave and buster's denied entry to a motorcycle club? kind of like conservatives crying about how liberals are pussies and need safe spaces and then get all bent out of shape when someone burns a flag or does something else "unpatriotic"
  22. Not a fair comparison. I am not for govt telling a business it has to do something. I am also not for people being discriminated against because of something they CAN'T change like their color or their sexual preference. A pirate can take off his vest and be welcome in the establishment. A black person can't change his color.
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