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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Luck? How about the sense to not put your fingers into running machinery?
  2. I should add that my sliders have removable and adjustable knee armor, a feature I would like to retain.
  3. I have a pair of sliders mk4 Kevlar lined jeans that are nearing retirement. They have saved my ass (literally) a few times and although the Kevlar is still unharmed the denim isn't doing so well. I have a pair of mesh/textile pants for super hot days and a set of leathers for early spring/late fall, just like having the Kevlar jeans for the in betweens and for going places where I don't wanna walk around in leathers or mesh riding pants. So what have y'all used? Crashed? Loved? Hated?
  4. Yes very true. There is a wide gap between knowledge and execution. It can only be bridged by experience. Hopefully it doesn't take you 30 crashes to get there lol.
  5. Change your cl ad header to 'liter-class custom streetfighter' and see what happens.
  6. Cbus I looked this bike over and it's not a slop job. Builder is an engineer iirc and a bright guy. The welds on the rear cowl are nice and the paint work is good. If I didn't already have a b12 I'd probably buy this one.
  7. Possible they could have reattached it has you brought the nub in.
  8. Hey fox I wanna cross paths with you.
  9. Glad you're ok. Now for the fatherly advice.... Three worst things you can do going into a turn: Get off the throttle Slam the brakes Fixate straight ahead. You'd be amazed what you and your bike are capable of. If you've never scraped the toes of your boots you're not getting close to the turning ability of your machine. Rolling on the throttle through the turns keeps the ass end planted as it shifts weight back where you need the traction. Chopping the gas or hitting the brake will do two things: stand the bike back up and straighten it out. Fixating on whatever is straight ahead will cause you to end up exactly there and before you know it, you're sliding into a ditch. Look where you want to be. Roll on the throttle. Push the inside bar. Body position helps a lot too but that's another topic.
  10. It's not a popular model. Most people on cl want either a Harley or a supersport. Most have never even heard of a bandit and see the air cooled motor and think 'slow piece of shit'. Most people are idiots and have no idea how great these bikes are.
  11. You may be able to get the next size down padding for your current lid. A lot of manufacturers only have 2 or 3 shell sizes and use different thickness of cheek pads and roof liners to make a large a medium or a small an extra small. Worth looking into.
  12. Avoid the bell vortex, mine is pretty loud.
  13. Some of the west coast ipa have gotten out of hand. Give me a traditional English ipa any day of the week.
  14. Sorry man it's a beautiful specimen but it's 30 years old and not a whole lot of bike for $2k compared to what's out there. You'll find a collector on eBay tho. Should sell fairly quick.
  15. Depends on which two worlds you want to stradle. Zrx1200 stradles the modern sport bike world and the 70's cafe race bike world. For some those are the best two worlds.
  16. Hey! I live next door in Massillon and trust me, there are better roads south. I grew up in Akron and know the valley and while there are a few decent roads there, it's nothing compared to what you'll find half an hour south of rt 30. Pm me if you want to get together sometime and ride.
  17. Steel reserve all the way tonight. Getting in touch with my poor as fuck past.
  18. Says the guy that just tried to prove something to me.
  19. Translation: I said something fucktardly, got called out for it and now instead of admitting I made a statement with zero basis in reality I'm going to double down and demand to see a law degree that I know doesn't exist. You're a Fucking joke.
  20. Are you sure this is where you want to plant your flag, bucko? You pretentious fuck. I shouldn't have to describe to you the difference between a cigarette and a screwdriver and how those distinct differences allow one to penetrate human flesh but not the other. I've come in contact with tens of thousands of cigarettes in my 22 years as a smoker and never once in that time did I manage even a paper cut. Superficial burns were the result of my most hazardous and harrowing experiences with smoldering tobacco products. While I'm sure plenty of people have been maliciously injured and killed with screwdrivers and other hand tools I challenge you to find me one case of homicide by Marlboro. You described the lit cigarette as a deadly weapon, the burdon of proof is on you. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  21. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that a lit cigarette is only deadly if you smoke 20 a day for most of your adult life. I dare you to kill me with a Fucking cigarette Rambo.
  22. I'll trade straight up for my 20" AR. Love the bike but I'm cash poor right now.
  23. A cigarette is not a deadly weapon. Busting someone for pot is nothing to puff your chest out about. In a decade people will look back and wonder why it was ever illegal.
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