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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Need to staple a fez to your helmet for effect.
  2. Brock took a bandit 1200 into the 7 second quarter mile zone. He can do no wrong.
  3. It's not the powder charge, it's the lack of a 60 grain projectile plugging the barrel long enough for the gas pressure to travel the length of the gas tube, unlock the bolt and cycle the bolt carrier group. The adapter provides a delayed release of gas that mimics a projectile.
  4. Yeah I'm not getting anymore work done today.
  5. Plain. I ditched the stock gaiters on my cb750 and went with regular dust caps. Those gaiters hold moisture in and will rust your fork legs.
  6. Thanks. Its been a long long road and I'm almost done.
  7. My cousin has an fz09. Good little bike but it's got it's issues. The fueling is super twitchy, espcially in the high performance mode. Standard isn't as bad. His biggest complaint is that when you're in motion and in gear but not applying throttle the computer cuts the fuel completely off. This leads to over engine braking and very twitchy coming out of it.
  8. Damn tappet adjuster nut vibrated loose, tappet worked it's way out of the rocker arm and blew a hole in the inspection cover....wondered what that noise was. Waiting on parts. It does sound awesome btw, I gutted the Mac muffler and made my own glass pack out of it. There's a build thread on it somewhere in the tech and tips section.
  9. I had a v6 Camry xle a while back. Exact same drive train as a Lexus es300. Total dog off the line but once it came up on the cams that motor was a beast.
  10. You fucking putz. Quit dragging me back into this argument that you have no investment in other than a shit stirrer. Punk, it's whatever. We are obviously on the same team where it counts with dogs so I'm just gonna let this whole thing roll off my back. If you still think I'm a fucking idiot then we can have that conversation if you really want to, I had nothing against you until you dug up a quote from months ago and started this whole drama fest. This isn't as much fun when I'm not at work on the clock so get your jabs in tonight everyone, I'll be back at 7:30 while I'm taking my post-coffee shit.
  11. I'm more inclined to agree with tpoppa on this. Car needs to start, drive and stop reliably and if it's only 140 hp I'm ok with it as long as the seats are comfy and it has a decent stereo.
  12. Big surprise, magdor missed an obvious point. Most likely because he doesn't understand economics. Duane. Try and stay with me here. If people don't buy puppies, there's no incentive for puppy mills to breed them. If there's no incentive, the puppy mills disappear. Read that over and over until it penetrates your thick skull, then go get punched in the nuts.
  13. Idk... Depends on the breeder but I would suspect that there aren't many unpurchased animals.
  14. /rant off. Guess I just shouldn't comment on any thread ever as there's always someone out there that wants to begin the conversation by being a prick.
  15. So that's a 'no, I can't explain my position'? Ok gotcha. Allow me to elaborate on mine. Most animals in shelters are owner surrenders or once-domesticated dogs that were dumped because = lazy fucking people. Most of those dogs are pits or pit mix (that I've seen and fostered). Because pit = popular breed. My current foster is an over bred American bull mix that someone used as a brood bitch to make money selling puppies. She was starved and beaten as a result. I wonder how many of her puppies were bought and then dumped or dropped off at the dog warden when the people realized that a dog is not a fashion accessory and that they are a lot of work....probably a few considering how many pit mix type dogs under 2 years are in the shelters. Are you seeing a pattern emerge? Yes part of the overpopulated pound issue is lazy shitty people but if they had gotten a rescue instead of buying a puppy and returned it to the pound it would be a zero sum equation. The fact that they dont, that people insist upon buying puppies not only prevents the adoption of shelter dogs, but it feeds the for-profit breeding of dogs like my current rescue. Now I understand not all are mistreated but a great many are, and the root cause is people buying puppies.
  16. Opinion. Refute or quit being a pretentious assbag. You don't have to like what I say but if you tell me it's false and then don't back up that statement you're just running your mouth like the fools you don't suffer. Show me how my statement is false or move on.
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