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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. I do both, but it is in your very best interest to have your CCW license either way!!!!
  2. Pokey


    Any fans of this excellent new series on Showtime? I saw the first episode recently and became instantly hooked, very cool storyline and concept.....makes ya think.
  3. Throw in men's volleyball as well! And fuck Gene Smith, he is a guilty 2 faced prick that knew about all that was going on. Tressel took the fall plain and simple, he only did what he was told to do. Smith will be there for as long as he wants to be, and there are several reasons why.
  4. Innocent.......so sad.
  5. Now that is a horny doe!!!!
  6. We have caused a total clusterfuck over there, that country and its people cannot be changed or reasoned with. We have lost too many of our soldiers and other civilians over there, spent too much money that we obviously don't have........... and all for what?
  7. Breckenridge Christmas Ale is even better!http://www.breckbrew.com/beer/christmasale.html
  8. Pokey

    F*#k Walmart

    My thoughts and actions too.
  9. Pokey

    F*#k Walmart

    Yet another reason I don't shop there.
  10. Only 1 thing better than bacon is more bacon!!!!
  11. He deserved more but that is better than a smack on the penis.
  12. Her and the bike would be ridden in my world!!!!!
  13. There is just no use trying to argue with you, obviously you see things in a different perspective than many. And you live in Westerville too!!!!!
  14. They were breaking the campus rules, being disorderly, taunting and blocking police.....so yes they got what they deserved, maybe should have tazed them too.
  15. So free speech trumps actions? Break the laws/rules, taunt police, and you deserve to get pepper sprayed or shot with rubber bullets. Had my son been one of the dumbass kids involved in that, I would've kicked his ass first chance I got.
  16. How about then......the lack of respect, taunting and total disregard for law enforcement?
  17. I don't agree that men are just as guilty with cell phones while driving near as much as women and girls, I drive ALLOT and see it all firsthand. And you are totally right, the blame is all our own but the cell companies have made it that much easier and cheaper to abuse. Now I do agree with men having the roadrage, and most of my flare-ups have been caused due to a female and her driving habits.
  18. You can't either......what reality are you trying to live in? Your right about people having a choice, isn't everything pretty much about choice? I will bet that 3/4 of phone conversations while driving is about stupid shit and gossiping, and that can wait until out of the car. People are bored while driving, people are rude as hell when driving, many people care only about themselves when driving. It is not a person's right to drive, it is a luxury. It is abused to no end, and many folks become instant assholes behind the wheel. If phone records prove that a call or text was occuring during an accident, then I am all for punishing to the full extent of the law.
  19. WOMEN.......are doing all that AND texting/talking on their cell phones. :wtf:Women are "by far" the biggest offender of the cell phones while driving, I am on the road allot therefore I see allot of what is going on around me. Unless hands free while talking and driving, there is honestly no good reason to be texting or surfing the web on your Andorid or Iphone. The shit is just plain out of control, and I am all for a ban "except it won't work". Cell phones are a total public nuisance and menace, and they honestly don't belong while operating a death machine. I am not wanting any more intervening from our government either, but this ban I would be in full support of. But the real reason this has all gotten out of control, is plainly on the shoulders of the wireless companies. When you offer unlimited everything for a pretty cheap price, that is just inviting trouble. Nobody remembers how to entertain themselves, be patient, be considerate of others, and above all else......focus on the task at hand, which is driving. We all want to reach our destinations safely, and ultimately make it home. BAN BAN BAN the damn things in cars!!!!!!!! I am hands free all the time while driving, although not perfect I can't see how it becomes anymore dangerous than talking to a passenger. My car links to my phone, hell most phones will do allot of shit by just voice commands........so use that capability!!!!
  20. I have 2 great places to choose from, and I'm not gonna tell where. I would give it a week max at home, then probably bug-out to one of my 2 excellent strongholds. And massive solar flares knocking out the entire US electrical grid could very well happen, other countries are taking that possibility seriously "THE USA is not".
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