Were you to pick a smoking or non smoking area in a restaurant "if given the choice" which would you go with? People have the right to smoke, but people also have the right not to be succumbed to breathing it in a privately owned, state owned, sports complexes, arena's. stadiums, and federal owned or corporate owned establishments. There are good, better, and best places to light up and enjoy a cancer stick....just not in places where the majority are not smokers. I have ZERO issues with a person choosing to smoke, but should there not be some boundaries set forth in which to do that beyond being alone or in your home or vehicle? I don't recall any teachers or professors lighting up in the classroom, there is no longer smoking on practically any hospital campuses "unless designated" across the country, I don't recall seeing anyone smoking while at Church, or how about during court cases or in any federal buildings. It should be out of respect as much as for other obvious reasons, everything in life is not a free for all and do as you please. The planet we live on is just fine, people on the otherhand many times are not......we are far from a Utopian society.