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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Pokey

    Obama is right.

    Obviously all of this is the fault of Bush.
  2. So basically.....you are looking for a semi-auto pistol? Many many choices, and some are for sure better than others.
  3. Works for bears too......NOT. No doubt that many of those idiots protesting, still believe that stand your ground came into play in Zimmerman and Martin.
  4. We shall see, I am not yet convinced on anything that Obummer would do or not do.
  5. Pokey

    Big Foot Is Real

    I WANT TO BELIEVE.......those are very squatchy areas by the way.
  6. I need a suppressor for it "one of these days", the neighbors might freak a bit otherwise.
  7. That is a good point.....damnit!!!!! Well lets just all stop working then, seems to be a pretty popular fad in the country......lets all shutdown.
  8. Pokey

    Big Foot Is Real

    With all the corn and soybean in Ohio alone, the sighting and tracks would be EVERYWHERE!!!!
  9. I have an old helmet in the garage, I am debating going out and shooting it with my Ruger MKII pistol. And I assure you it will easily penetrate it.......no problem.
  10. Since they are also a Harley dealership, I can understand the waking the dead reference.
  11. Lets just ALL stop paying taxes, that will teach those pricks a lesson.
  12. I think you should, help my buddy out!
  13. I like these 2 examples, and THIS is what the US needs to ultimately go to. Yes our system is corrupt as hell, and the insurance companies are STILL going to be making out like fat cats. So true that health insurance is not healthcare, I am hoping that this cluster will eventually morph into single payer healthcare system. http://my.firedoglake.com/jpsottile/2013/01/13/health-insurance-is-not-healthcare/ http://voices.yahoo.com/health-care-not-health-insurance-3735522.html?cat=5
  14. Many of us here ride all year.
  15. Read up on this fine machine, you just might see why I said what I said.
  16. The Divided States of America, yup that is what we have become. Federal Gov has too much power and authority, give most of that back to the states as it should be. I see some Mad Max shit coming in the not so distant future, we are truly a fucked up country now. Mr Obama is the must inept excuse for a leader this country has ever witnessed, he has done irreparable damage and the leaders of other nations just laugh their ass off at him and his minions. Obamacare will fail and it will not last, a buddy of mine is involved in the nationwide implementation of it, says the funding is not sustainable. I agree with a post already made, we must have mandatory term limits going forward, too many old fuckers that have been in forever, just building up that nest egg at "our expense". The President can only serve 2 four year terms, that needs to be the same for everyone across the board. Keep things fresh and productive, have new folks being voted in that may actually give a rats ass and who are not dead set in their ways and can actually work together for a change. Needs to be 3 parties beyond any doubt, all 3 with equal funding and no advantages due to deep pockets from contributors. Nothing but a turf war and a gang war, and the President makes no bones about it when it comes to what gang he fully supports.I would like to see a national shutdown, everyone just stay home and not do a damn thing....and I mean everyone. Doubt we could do that for very long, oh the chaos and bad shit that would go down.....just like if we had a nationwide catastrophe. Would something like that finally get them to understand on capital hill, that we the people are the United States of America......and NOT THEM?
  17. Me likes the 1190 Adventure much much more.
  18. This true, all about the shape of the head.
  19. Oh yes......2 or more is always a wise and fun option. You do not have to break the bank either, so many lightly used bikes out there it is crazy!
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