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Posts posted by Pokey

  1. Cannot believe nobody guessed, how many times has Ryan mentioned how much he loves the Multi's and was likely the best and most fun bike he has ever owned? I am tickled to death that you are getting another, this one might just stay in the garage for "a bit". ;)

  2. You guys need to quit fighting WWII,the present situation has nothing in common with WWII.Your knee jerk response of going and killing a bunch of people and having a bunch of our troops killed will not solve the problem.I don't know how to totally solve the problem,but your scorched earth policy won't work when the enemy is not easily defined like WWII.Your just going to increase the body count on both sides and exacerbate the problem.

    But have at her cowboy...you'll get the same results that the last guy got fighting a modern guerrilla war with WWII tactics .


    So what is your brilliant solution, please do tell? And knee jerk reactions huh, are you honestly being serious?

  3. I believe another potential issue is the UN.  Since we have signed on with their charter it would be really tough to throw down the big hammer on certain countries without reprise from the UN.


    IMO...the UN can go suck a small limp dick for all I care.  If we're being asked to be "Big Brother" to the world then we should act accordingly and start crackin' skull in several countries.


    Agree......and the USA needs to tell the UN to suck a dick and we need to get out of that charter.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Didn't the last administration take the fight to them viciously?How did that work out for us?

    How do you take it to them viciously when the enemy is in every country and the majority of Muslims are peaceful.how do you know who the enemy is until after the violent act?

    Shock and awl baby.

    Mission accomplished!!


    Nope...was not vicious at all, we are capable of much much more viciousness. WWII ended because we and Russia were vicious, and we cared much less about political correctness and collateral damage. Collateral damage is extremely unfortunate, but is necessary to ultimately win a war. Like has already been said, there is no right answer or solution.....however some strategies and show of force would in fact be effective. Keep thinking and wishing that these radicals won't continue to attack here on US soil, they will in fact continue to do so, and there will be another tragic event occur due to ignorance from not profiling and investigating individuals. Your president does not want to offend his brethren, and he has pretty much left Israel out to the wolves. Israel will not fuck around if push comes to shove, they will annihilate their enemies and not lose a moments sleep over it. We have become soft as a country, but our military is anything but soft and soldiers are chomping at the bit to wipe out Isis and any other group like them.

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  5. I am so sick and tired of all the throwing around of calling many a racist and bigot, just as much ignorance is shown by saying such. Statements are nothing compared to actions, and we are all guilty of a racist or bigot statement at some point in time. Does not make you a racist, does not make you a bigot, and does not make you a person of hate and or violence against others. But here is the problem in the US and all throughout the world when it comes to "radial Islam", they are the only ones who are doing to others, what people of other extremest beliefs are not doing to others. So it is perfectly fine to call something what it very much is, and radial Islam is growing and is not going away unless the fight is taken to them viciously. Yes there will be collateral damage in order to kill the enemy, look no further than what happened during WWII.

  6. I hope I'm wrong...but if there's another major, 9/11 sized attack on US soil, the end game is going to be total annialation of Isis or Al Qaeda and their sympathizers.   Today, our populous doesn't have the stomach for that kind of conflict, but that could change quickly like it did after PH or 9/11.


    Not with the current commander in chief, that would never happen.

  7. Beauty of a Vee2 Brian, and yeah me seeing the XT for the first time down in Romney during the rally, is what really got me thinking that I wanted one. Did my early oil change today and have been breaking the new bike in real fun like, so it is just about ready for a bit of dirt and grime. Thanks for asking about my Son, as I type this he is upstairs in his room, he just got in late tonight for 2 weeks. Been 6 1/2 long months since we have seen him, so glad to have him home. :)

  8. I think is was the Vstrom seat that gave me prostate cancer. Is the seat better than the 1st gen?


    So far my prostate is good, although full way too often!! LOL   Yeah the latest seat is pretty decent, but of course you know I will be replacing it eventually. How is the Wing with the new suspension working out?

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