The dog needs to be trained that the food doesn't belong to her and she won't react that way in the future. Easily solved with some patience and proper training - people give up on them too damn easily.
I use some sort of spray on motorcycle polish and a micro-fiber towel to wash/wax mine when it needs a wipe down. I've recently bought some Turtle Wax stuff that works with just a bucket of water but I'm gonna try it out on my Porsche first before the Duc.
I still don't agree with the consensus with the ear plugs but I've clearly hit a nerve with a lot of you. I don't need them and I don't wear cheap helmets.
To each his own.
I'm now having fond memories of my '92 Gixxer raising holy hell out in Idaho back in '03 riding up and down Bogus Basin in Boise....yeah, what a lovely bike she was. Maybe we'll get out for a spin tomorrow.
Just a suggestion, kick TMO to the curb, they're bullshit x infinity and their 4g isn't the real AT&T. Go with a pay as you go set-up or maybe consider extra bullshit charges.
Ah, so that's what you wanted to take out for a spin this evening....holy shit!!! Okay, so now you've experienced a Gixxer motor....yeah, it's addictive.
The Night Stalker died earlier today from liver failure but that's the only news I've found today about inmates. Nada in the news about that fucking punk getting some jailhouse justice.