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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. Research via the interwebz is indicating that riding lessons + leasing a horse at some point is the way to go, at least for the first couple of years. I've located a few boarding corrals with lessons in the area and will start calling around - hell, if it gets me out on the weekends it'll be $$$ well spent. And I might even meet some nice womenz, too.
  2. I'm looking more at the temperament than anything else and draft horses are typically calm, laid back, and not easily spooked - a well broke one would be ideal for a beginner such as myself and I'm only looking at trail riding, nothing else. That's assuming I can even find one but just about any horse breed can fit that description. I'll also have to pay for boarding so that's the extra expense on a monthly/yearly basis until I can find some land with ample pasture.....preferably an old farm in the area. Butters makes a good point, though, about the long term aspect of owning one, but for me, I just need to learn more about them and if it's the right thing for me to do.
  3. Okay, so I'm thinking about taking up riding lessons and potentially buying a horse at some point in the future. Preferably a draft horse like the Clydesdale or Percheron but I need to insure it's something I'm going to stick with long-term since horses can be expensive and can also live 30+ years. So, are there any horse owners out there on OR?
  4. Holy fuck, I'm getting raped for a big 2 bd/2 bath apartment and two 2 car garages (garages are separate from the rent) compared to what you guys are paying down in C-Bus.
  5. The weather conditions had a hell of lot more to do with the tragedy than any measure of stupidity.
  6. I'd like to add it to my Douchy Duc collection.
  7. Breaking news: George Zimmerman has filed all of the legal paperwork to change his name to "Benghazi"... Going forward the Saetoro Administration will no longer mention him. Ever.
  8. If you don't have anything constructive to add aside from juvenile bullshit, shut the fuck up. Do you even know what "gullible" means? Here, I'll give you a clue: gul·li·ble /ˈgələbəl/ Adjective Easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. Synonyms credulous - naive - trustful Now, what part of any of the earlier posts with our resident fucktard resembled in any form or fashion gullible behavior? None of them did.....he was called out for what he is.
  9. So what you're saying is that you are useless since I told you to figure it out for yourself. That isn't anything we don't already know. As for the rest of your pious bullshit, you're wrong to imply that there aren't any legit and reliable sources for accurate and ethical news. The problem is they don't fit your warped reality.
  10. Here is some free advise, find it yourself. I read about the discrepancy from a conservative news source instead of the fucktard, progressive MSM.
  11. I've read somewhere that he bought watermelon soda, not iced tea. If true, it only proves how the MSM can't get any of the facts correct as they relate to this tragedy.
  12. neOhio Riders is on there with 2 members but our OR group isn't showing up?
  13. Is the Facebook and pop-up ad nonsense still an issue? Lots of the most recent reviews point out the annoying ad feature and Facebook for the social bullshit?
  14. Not really....it was long overdue.
  15. Carter was an ineffective President and was, up until now, one of the worst to sit in the office and still thinks we're a democracy? What a buffoon. Obama is the most divisive President ever and aside from Woodrow Wilson and FDR, a true Socialist who truly hates our Republic AND is hell-bent on destroying every fabric of society.
  16. I prefer Carolina, Chippewa, and Cat boots along with Varmont for my desert milspec boots but haven't found anything made by RW that fits my fancy.
  17. Rolling Stone chooses to go with a fluff pic to glorify what? How this guy became deluded and misguided somewhere along the way? That cover was done in bad taste, period, and only proves how the magazine is becoming irrelevant.
  18. Someone raised those two the right way....good story saving the little girl.
  19. baptizo


    mattm, OR isn't the love connection you're looking for.....
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