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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I've learned the hard way many years ago to ride my own pace and not concern myself with how fast others want to ride. If it is an issue where the pace is too fast or unsafe, I'll simply check out and ride alone since I'll rarely go more than 10 over any posted speed limit. And lately I've not been inclined to join any group ride....it just isn't worth risking my driving privilege or health.
  2. I've always used WD-40 and a rag to wipe it down, then lube it - no problems as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Family can sometimes be your worst enemies.....what a greedy fucking bitch.
  4. Yep, you're definitely living in a fantasy world. Do they have unicorns there, too? NTTAWWT
  5. Debate forum? Seriously? What kind of a sheltered world do you currently live in?
  6. My hope is that one day he will grow the fuck up and realize just how far off of the mark he's been with all of the fucktard stuff he's posted here. With that said, no matter how much he irritates the hell out of me, I will not give him negative rep for being a little fucktard.
  7. Now that is a sweet plinker.....glws.
  8. Then be a good boy and don't do it. I'm not going to stop doing what I've been doing and no doubt has saved my ass on numerous occasions since 1987.
  9. Read the About Us page for what the company does and then go through the job descriptions to get a feel for what their tech's do in the field. It's a decent starting wage plus the other benefits....at least you'll be learning some tech related skills which can be used in other industries.
  10. HVAC sounds like a cool gig....plus you'll get some valuable skills to boot.
  11. I'm pretty sure most would agree running the high beams is the right thing to do. And since you brought it up, as for their opinion of me....I don't give a fuck what they (or you) think, life isn't a popularity contest and I'm not trying to be cool.
  12. Your opinion and you're entitled to it.....but.....as other's have stated, you're wrong.
  13. To be seen during the day, you're advised to run your high beam...or has this changed over the years since I learned to street ride back in 80's? As for my Duc, the low beam is actually setup as a high beam, if I recall correctly, so I can just run one and be fine.
  14. That is also having an agenda but like others have stated, he isn't breaking the law. If he wants trouble, let him face the consequences when he fucks up and get's it wrong. In this case it doesn't look like he got it wrong.
  15. I understand what you're saying and would have politely cooperated but my point is OC isn't, for most people, about getting attention thus my sardonic response. sent using my 360
  16. So, let me get this straight....if someone is OC'ing they're automatically an attention whore and looking for a confrontation with the police. Okay.....got it.
  17. I'd have bluntly asked him what his goddamn malfunction was sitting his kid down on my bike. I wouldn't have belted his ass into next week, though, but he would have known damn quick that if he said anything stupid other than "sorry, sir, it was the wrong thing to do", then it would probably get ugly in front of his kid. I might then follow through with the elbows.... you know, Magz style. Okay, okay, I'm joking about the elbows.
  18. The Troegenator I pick up locally has 8.2% and is a tasty beer.....but not cheap.
  19. We have good coverage with Sprint up here in NEO....you should be fine trying it out.
  20. I've had some Yuengling along with some Troegenator Double Bock tonight - got a little buzzy for the first time in eons.
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