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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. He's being a stubborn dupe refusing to change to a TE - he would at least get to play football.
  2. Man, this is why I miss living in WV....when I lived there we didn't have any laws forbidding having a drink in a bar while carrying. My typical hangout - if and when I went out - was a pool hall in South Charleston with a friend from the WVCDL who also carried.
  3. More than one year on the same battery is awesome...my Duc eats them for breakfast. Glad to hear it was minor problem.
  4. Sounds like a dead battery. Check the voltage on the battery when you get a chance. Did you keep it on a trickle charger over the winter/early spring? Oh, and definitely check the kill switch....
  5. That was, like, my dad's first boat....great memories fishing in one back in Mississippi as a kid. GLWS
  6. I guess I'm lucky with my ip4...it's been dropped and thrown a few times but not at speed on my bike.....it stays safely tucked away in the inner jacket pocket.
  7. Welcome to the insane asylum...enjoy!
  8. baptizo

    Beer Pics

    Troegs IPA from Harrisburg, PA - tasty stuff.
  9. baptizo

    Troegs IPA

    From the album: Misc.

  10. I'd say you dodged a big one there, Pokey....it's a good thing there are some good ones out there wearing a badge.
  11. Crap, I had to work this morning and need to catch up on shit at home.
  12. I don't see a ban hammer listed in there anywhere.....
  13. Holy shit, I might have to actually start seeing movies in the theater, again - that's too many good ones to wait for on DVD.
  14. It's looking like at least a two day vacation for MT at this point.
  15. My Duc needs too much work done and I don't think it'll be ready by the 4th.
  16. If he's banned, does his server go with him?
  17. Ha, I thought it was interesting and cool that he brought up some of the old chick intro's after the two recent one's we've had. I voted NO....let him have his fun; no harm, no foul.
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