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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. Thanks for posting the ordinance, I'm fairly new to Ohio and didn't know about the requirement for eye protection with a full face helmet (odd). Also, about the full windshield, in the BMV issued Motorcycle Operator Manual it states that a full windshield doesn't take the place of or substitute for appropriate eye protection (faceshield or goggles). I'm not surprised, however, that the two don't agree with one another.
  2. baptizo


    Here's hoping you'll have a full recovery and also decide to ride again much sooner than 20 years from now!
  3. Death comes to us all but Carrol was a man of vision and one hell of a race car driver...RIP, sir.
  4. Chillin', working on my Duc, 951, and Bronco, watch some local racing Saturday night. Hell, I might even drink some brews.
  5. You don't get it - you're the one having the pity party and I have ZERO pity for you. I just wanted to make that crystal clear. FYI, your attitude is your problem and thinking you're making "sacrifices"...you're not. I'm on call 24/7/365 for my employer while entrusted with a multi-million dollar portfolio of assets while doing the work of two employees and I don't bitch about it, I just do what is and isn't asked of me because it is always the right thing to do.
  6. Sweet Boosted Goat and that's a nice choice in a bike with the Viffer - welcome!
  7. ^^^ Precisely how I see it and if you're done with your pity party, woe is me bullshit you need to stop acting like a victim and figure out a compromise. This is NOT your supervisors fault and if the training is required, you damn well better figure out a way to make it happen if you want to keep the job. Step up, man up, and do the right thing by your EMPLOYER, not your pride.
  8. Are the bake sales next on the ban list? As for Exarch, he's maroon without a clue.
  9. Seriously, who's more ignorant - you or the Walmart employees asking for a permit to open carry?
  10. Welcome - which Nighthawk do you have, the 750S or the 650?
  11. I'd rock with this one, the Night Rod Special:
  12. I got my FSB last year for "fun" but I'm thinking of getting something else a bit newer and better equipped for towing (the little 302 doesn't tow well).
  13. I have an FBF something or other on my Duc with the 996 mid-pipe and header - nothing obnoxious and only loud if I really get on it. About the only obnoxious "noise" it makes is the requisite and annoying backfiring at low speed.
  14. I just debugged mine and the bike after a late evening ride - bugs galore but thankfully none of the big, juicy ones.
  15. You're really drawing a broad brush with your comment about spontaneous remission - got proof? There is, OTOH, ample scientific evidence to support the plant-strong diet along with other natural cures and treatments for cancer. Does everyone survive cancer? No, of course not and I for one saw my dad die quickly from lung cancer so I'm for anything natural vs. the poison's used in modern medicine.
  16. People have literally cured themselves of cancer going with a plant-strong diet along with other non-approved cures. Curing cancer is bad business for the Pharm's.
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