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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. That is an Ohio Department of Natural Resources outdoor shooting range on OH-229 about a mile east of US-23. Right on the border of Marion and Delaware counties. I've been there before and is a good place to shoot unless it is busy as waiting on cease fires to check/replace targets can take a lot of time. I've mostly gone to Blackwing and Targetworld (in Cincinnati). Blackwing is close for Marion, and relatively cheap for the range time (gun prices are another story, ha).
  2. Wow those 15gr make a hell of a difference.
  3. I heard before I bought it that SA had some of the best CS in the business. Influenced my decision over not getting like a Taurus or something else.
  4. Posted about buying this, my first gun, a few months ago in another thread. Picture of the firearm: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/SA1911L-2.jpg?t=1272407547 Anyway the gun out of the box wasn't shooting all that straight, low and left with multiple shooters and piss poor grouping, those black targets are 6 inch diameter: Best I could manage at about 25ft, and sorry about the cellphone pictures: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/targetsbefore/0318101956-1.jpg?t=1272407779 Next one is at 10ft: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/targetsbefore/0318101956b-1.jpg?t=1272408918 Anything beyond 25ft was all over. The "low and left" seems to be a somewhat common problem with new Springfields, however, they made it right. I called and told them of the poor accuracy, they gave me a pre-paid FedEx label to send it back. It was sent back to me after about 10 days, the invoice lists: 1911 .45 BARREL, SS 1911-A1 BARREL BUSHING, SS ADJUSTED TRIGGER There was also a new, better style spring guide rod and a stronger recoil spring not listed on the invoice. The trigger pull is about half of what it was. The new barrel and the guide rod are thicker as well, and the felt recoil is noticeably less. I had thought this 1911 was the harshest recoiling 1911 I've shot. Now it is quite smooth. About 25-30ft (I put it in the best lighting a little further than the 8yrd marking): http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/targetsafter/0427101803.jpg?t=1272408097 About 40ft (shy of 15yrds): http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/targetsafter/0427101804.jpg?t=1272408097 Huge improvement. Now if I could learn how to shoot better I'll be good. The test target (8 x 11 paper) Springfield sent back (25yrds most likely from a rest, otherwise "Buck" is a hell of a shot): http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/targetsafter/0427101844.jpg?t=1272409789 Very happy with the work Springfield did fixing the pistol. All at no charge. When shooting at 25ft and closer I can put bullets through the same holes.
  5. Shooting rifles into the air is crazy. Shotguns are completely different (unless you're insane and are shooting sabots) as shot and slugs won't travel more than a few hundred yards at most. Always know your target and what is beyond. In this case for miles. Hunting in the desert is different as you aren't shooting into the air. Bullets do not reach their free falling terminal velocity either unless fired nearly straight up. They can come down with still a significant portion of their muzzle velocity a few miles out. While the original post seems somewhat safe given the described geography, the above and what other posters have said needs to be said as there are probably some idiots out there that could see this and think it would be fun, a cool idea and could very well end up killing someone. You need to be sure of your target, and what is beyond, not just thinking that there "probably" isn't anyone down range.
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/ZW17/howaglockworks.gif
  7. $900 out the door. So about $845 without tax.
  8. Bad alignment Loose lugnuts Unevenly or excessively worn tires
  9. I've shot it and I'll confirm that the YHM there is pretty rad and tacticool. The EOTech kicks ass. I'll use my recent first gun purchase to hijack the thread: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/SA1911L-2.jpg?t=1267749507 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/SA1911L-1.jpg?t=1267749508 Springfield Armory 1911 Loaded SS Here's an experiment I did with painting the white dot sights with super glow in the dark powder. Only took about $12 and I figured it was worth trying over spending like ~$100 for tritiums. The pictures don't really do justice as the cheapass camera had trouble in such low light: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/100_0891.jpg?t=1267749580 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/1911/100_0894.jpg?t=1267749581
  10. Yes, that can work. There is a hell of a lot of information (free even) on how to dispute errors around the web if you search for it. Start with finance websites like MSN money section, bankrate.com and look at their credit, credit report sections. http://www.creditboards.com is another good source.
  11. Paying a late charge off doesn't remove it from your credit reports. It can be there for 7 years.
  12. Do mine by hand and then e-file on the internet. Used TurboTaxFree this year because TaxAct, that I had been using the past few years, were being bastards and wanted to charge me for a direct deposit. Wouldn't charge if I did a check but they wanted money if I did a DD. Assholes. I filed Ohio using the i-file website thing, for free.
  13. Furloaf


    Cincinnati isn't too bad either. Columbus does blow.
  14. Furloaf


    106.7 was great when it first came on. Now it's like any other station but slightly more tolerable. They use to play a greater variety of songs and genres, now you'll be lucky to not hear at least one song twice within 2 hours.
  15. My best suggestion is to not finance a toy. Since you said you like Mustangs, there's not really a whole lot else that is similar above 2000 for $10k and under. Camaros, Firebirds 00-02 might stay below that mark. I've thought of myself getting a GTO, but that would be hard to find for $10k, with low miles.
  16. Never heard of the cartoon. So to me that preview looks like it could be one of the gayest movies ever. Oh and don't you guys remember how great The Happening was?
  17. The rules for filing depend on how much income you gross for the year. For single, >= $9350 Dependent child, >=$5700 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040gi.pdf (Pages 7, 8, 9 are the most relevant.) Also, unless you're going to owe money and don't have to file, it's a good idea to file anyway as some other things will need tax return information, or go smoother if you have it. The FAFSA, (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is one of the most prevalent. Your work not taking out enough likely isn't their problem, either. It is yours. They take out how much depending on how you filled out the W4 form when you were hired. Either your W4 is set wrong or your work screwed up. Regardless you should check on it immediately, for next year. The lower the number on the W4, the more is taken out.
  18. Fix the transmission. You would be screwed if you paid off the car and then the transmission went out, without having the money to repair it. A paid off car that doesn't run is just as useful as not having it at all.
  19. You must have to exit the vehicle to be able to load the firearm. The laws are vague so to be safe consider a loaded magazine counting as a loaded firearm. So the key point is to separate the magazines from the ammunition such as the glove box/trunk.
  20. Furloaf

    Endless power?

    Nothing would happen beyond the reactor destroying itself and ceasing the reaction. Once the confinement is lost the reaction can not sustain itself. And we do have the capability to use it as a weapon. For over 50 years.
  21. I beat 2 plenty of times. Beat 3 maybe once or twice. I usually couldn't get much past level 3,4 or 5 on the first game. That shit was indeed hard as hell. I don't know why I wasn't that impressed with Half-Life 2. Just didn't interest me all that much.
  22. Eh, I didn't think that part was anything special. A high point of the game sure. But I thought Half-Life 2 on the whole was mediocre. First time I felt motion sickness while playing a game was probably Quake. When jumping/falling off a high ledge, looking down.
  23. Check first that school, and the online program, has worthwhile accreditation. Phoenix has piss poor accreditation and is nearly a scam. Not sure I've heard about Everest even and know little of Kaplan. Basically if it's not a non-profit school then the accreditation is going to be lacking.
  24. When I first heard this song I thought it was one of Dave Grohl's side project bands because it was slightly different than regular Foo Fighters. Regardless I grew to like the song, though it is played too much.
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