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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. ^ That is likely true about being better live. I can see that because I can hardly imagine anything sounding worse than their studio recordings.
  2. "Did you see that?" can be used to lend credibility and lessen doubt of it being faked.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqxy4m7CQ9o
  4. Fake. They're too far away from each other for that kick to have landed. Though watching it again... maybe. The camera has a fisheye lens so perspective is skewed and distances are hard to judge. The dialog sounds scripted and like it is drawing away your disbelief. "Did you see that?" can be used to show credibility and lessen doubt of it being faked.
  5. Yeah really. I didn't know there were actually people that like avenged sevenfold. That is the worst band I've heard in a long time. Stone Sour is tolerable to decent though. Sorry to shit on the thread lol, enjoy the show.
  6. Furloaf


    Yeah I realized later that it is 1.8" not 0.9". Thanks for replying.
  7. Furloaf


    Anyone else know if these would fit, work (i.e. not cause air leaking or safety issues) on rims that took OEM 205/55R16 tires? I've never ran different sized tires on any of vehicles I've owned. Calculated and they should be about .9" greater diameter and .83" wider. That greater diameter should put my speedo right on though lol. Also, if the tires have sat for 2 years, are they dry rotted at all?
  8. It is more about getting a foot in the door. This bill, and others before like it, is just a stepping stone to more stringent legislation. Anti-gun people know that the capacity is a moot issue. The non-retarded anti-gun people anyway. It is the same deal as the stupid "ban assault weapons in America to stop Mexicans from killing each other" bullshit that they were trying to push 2 years ago. It makes no damn sense what so ever, but anti-gun people abandon logic if it serves to propel their agenda.
  9. Can visit the Newport Aquarium while there also. Never been there but I've heard people talking about the Senate restaurant.
  10. Lol the daughter is the best thing about the show. My impression was that they're a group of retarded rednecks that just slap shit together hoping it will work, without doing any actual design or engineering. The masterkey shotgun project was stupid, why not just buy the real masterkey attachments?
  11. People need to learn and accept that there will always be danger, and pain, and misery, and violence. It is not possible to create a society free of suffering. This means: - Limiting the availability of weapons will not lessen crime or violence. If anything, crime will increase. - Dangers will always exist in some form. Be it automobile accidents or your child falling on the playground. It is not possible to eliminate dangers through legislation. - While on the topic of legislation; it is impossible to legislate morality. Get it through your heads. The very idea is a paradox. - There are very, very few wonder drugs. It isn't feasible (in the near future anyway) that medicine will free us from ailment, therefore we should not expect it to. Many other things but those are the biggest that come to mind. This idea of creating a pain-free society is just serving to pussify the society.
  12. CapitalOne approved me when I had very little credit history.
  13. I've tracked my MPG for a long time by writing the miles down between fill-ups and documenting in an Excel sheet. When I went from the old beater 94 GMC Jimmy to the 05 Mazda3, I calculated the difference in gasoline costs. By the time I paid off the loan the savings in gasoline pretty much broke even with the loan interest and fees.
  14. Your shits haunted. There is no other explanation.
  15. Looks like a Neostead. Cool.
  16. I liked the old ones much better. The old ones were good-shitty fries. The new ones are shitty-good fries. The old were good for being crappy fries, yet the new are bad at being good fries. Pennstation has the best fries of any chain, in my opinion.
  17. Voted gray. However I don't believe I've ever seen a car of any type that I liked painted white. White makes a car look like it is made of plastic or something to me. Also I remember seeing a lot of dark green Mazda3s when I looked for my DD years ago.
  18. Okay so you weren't solely talking about loss of elasticity with regards to the spring failing. Got it. To add to the thread subject. I would choose something big since you don't plan on carrying it. Full size revolver in .357mag, or .44mag if it is controllable. For semi-autos, something large caliber and high capacity. Glock 22 or 21 would be the cheapest, then M&P40 or 45. More expensive but the FNP45 is very attractive for its features (14 rounds of .45acp!). I can't really stand shooting Glocks though, or anything double action so I'm not sure. You may feel the same so like others have said, try anything out before you actually get it.
  19. Has that ever actually happened, to you? I've read stories of WWII 1911 mags found fully loaded 40+ years later that feed and fired off all the rounds. Yes I realize I just asked for first person evidence but provided a third person anecdote.
  20. I never got into them. The first one was decent. The second was kind of dumb. I couldn't finish the third one. I think my issue was that the undead were invincible and thus fucking unstoppable but somehow they would lose fights? They would have just overran anything they wanted to.
  21. FWD being better in the snow is a myth. Quality tires and driver skill matter much more.
  22. Lol maybe. Detonating could have knocked the carbon buildup off.
  23. Uh.... um... That is complicated but I think it usually goes by income tax dependency criteria.
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