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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Wait... 9 / 11 / 01 Terrorists +3 / 11 / 11 Earthquake/Tsunami -0 / 01 / 00 Jesus's birthday (minus since he is coming back) = 12 / 21 / 12
  2. If anyone believes that they are more retarded than Forest Gump.
  3. I'm waiting for the update with that dumb chick being kicked out of college.
  4. Furloaf

    Bore sighting

    I think the cheapest would be best, as others have noted you will still have to do the real zeroing by shooting and adjusting.
  5. Furloaf

    math problem

    I figured it by looking at the last number combinations: If it is 1, there are 48 permuations. 5, 60 and 9, 48. 48+60+48 = 156
  6. Furloaf

    math problem

    I think 156 too. Why did you reconsider to 120?
  7. Surprised no one has recommended a Sigma yet.
  8. I think it is just a convertible with some masking.
  9. That is why I've always hated the idea of OnStar and such.
  10. I have a Shift. First smartphone so I can't compare it to anything, but I like it very much so far. The only thing I really dislike is the placement of the volume buttons as I constant bump them by accident. The hinge does feel a little cheap, as in not rock solid, but it stays closed so not a big deal.
  11. Joking aside, that is some serious bullshit.
  12. Well why not go with a McMillan or glass bed a GI or SAI fiberglass stock? The Sage gives you badass quad accessory rails, though, to attach all the tactical gizmos you could ever want. I'm not sure at all but I think the Troy and JAE stocks are both lighter than the Sage.
  13. Expensive and makes an already heavy rifle even heavier. I think it is hard to justify beyond the "coolness" factor.
  14. Incomprehensible. Delete it and start over. Actually, delete it and don't start over. That would be a better plan.
  15. Is this a serious thread? From my impression I agree that it sounds like the gas block was moved forward and now isn't over the gas port. Unless you know how your firearm functions I think it would be best to not fuck around, i.e. modifying, with it. Doing so is a decent way of eventually killing yourself or someone else.
  16. I hate 3D. I wish it would die. Until they develop dynamic focusing 3D technology, that tracks what your eyes are looking at and adjusts focus (basically realistic holograms), I have not the slightest interest in anything 3D.
  17. ^ And a nice sentence in Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison.
  18. .410s aren't bad, but the barrel on the Judge is too short to achieve decent velocity to make them effective against anything bigger than a snake. It is a novelty gun, adequate for shits & giggles.
  19. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apple
  20. I'm sure they weren't making a substantial amount of money with them. The majority of their profits are from the passenger cars and SUVs. Also 10 generations is enough.
  21. Lol I rented that Wilson Combat and then had a mission to buy a 1911. Completely cured my indecision of choosing a first pistol.
  22. Was the oil changed regularly? Those Camrys were known for an oil sludge issue without regular changes.
  23. Furloaf


    They're good fun for plinking. Not much else; don't expect surprising accuracy and the 7.62x39 isn't a full rifle cartridge. Chinese make seems to not matter, just how well it was maintained by previous owners (is it rusting and the stock rotten?).
  24. Furloaf

    Verizon Fail

    Here is a hint at what I have planned for my old phone: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/IMAG0019.jpg?t=1297397010
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