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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Played a week or so ago. My highest score: LEVEL: 07 LINES: 072 SCORE: 027620 TOP SCORE: 027620
  2. Drafting is a decent paying career with a 2-year degree that has you sitting constantly.
  3. Engineering saw a huge increase (like 10-15%) in the number of new students this year. So it may not be all that great in 4-5 years if it becomes saturated. Engineering is not easy and you'll have to be either very smart or very committed. Preferably both.
  4. Not necessarily illegal but not a good idea either. Keep it in the trunk. My philosophy when dealing with police is to minimize the potential for "harassment" (inconveniencing really) and the time spent for the stop. Having a case of beer with beers missing in plain view will immediately get the cop suspicious.
  5. Near the end of 8th grade, 1998. Almost 12 years ago. Eventually fought each other in the locker room after hating each other for the past 2 years. Exchanged a few swings, I probably dodged more and landed more. Last swings we both connected, hard, and then he started having an asthma attack so we quit. Didn't feel any different and still disliked each other throughout high school. Was pretty pointless really. Was close to swinging on other people since then but never actually did so.
  6. Check the fuel lines running to the engine to see if they are kinked. Specifically the rubber flexible line that runs up the transmission tunnel. I killed the pump in my 94 Jimmy by accidentally twisting that rubber line when I changed the fuel filter. That was an EFI though so I'm not sure if it really applies, but is something to check.
  7. Furloaf


    Banking it. Same as I did last year.
  8. See the bookbags around campus constantly too.
  9. More likely the guy knew what he was shooting at (an Elk) and shot it anyway to say he bagged an Elk. In Ohio.
  10. You guys missed the legally part of my post. Comprehensive claims can not, legally, result in your premium rates being increased. Not the exact snippet because I don't feel like looking that deep, but it gets my point across: Source: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3937.22 Of course there are ways around it. Like as described above, if you were hit in a certain intersection the insurance company can then claim that your daily driving route is through an area that has a high chance of an accident occurring and can raise your rates based on that statistic. Oh and if your rates are increasing after a non-fault claim, comprehensive, etc., you are getting shafted. I hit a raccoon putting a nasty dent in my bumper, filed the claim and received a new bumper. My rates didn't move at all.
  11. Rates only change if you get points. Legally anyway.
  12. Money orders and traveler's checks usually count as cash advances and will rape you at 25%+ APR. There's a work around of buying large volumes of coins from the mint, they're like gift boxes for people who collect coins. Cash the coins in at the bank. I've heard of that a while ago so they may have put a stop to it now.
  13. The LCD cleaning wipes can be used on most electronics as well. Just don't wring out the cleaning solution or apply much pressure. The cleaning solution is basically (usually) just rubbing alcohol. That can also be used and is more preferable to straight water as it evaporates faster and doesn't have as many contaminates as tap or bottled water (mineral deposits). Use a microfiber towel so as not to apply lint or in the case of an LCD screen, scratches.
  14. Given those choices: the HP, no contest. I think netbooks are stupid though and don't care about how large/small they are. Even the smallest are still big enough to be such an inconvenience that I would opt for a fully functional laptop.
  15. It would make a difference if I had seen her.. work.. beforehand. I'd probably do it but constantly doubt if it could last.
  16. First trailer didn't do anything at all for me. That one made me want to see it.
  17. Damn those unreliable rotaries constantly blowing headgaskets.
  18. They've always done that. Even before it was PowerBlock or even Spike back when it was TNN.
  19. Seems like almost a complete gimmick device to me.
  20. There's one on craigslist for $450. If I had more free time and money I would get it myself. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1424914665.html
  21. Because hail can be expected. A meteor strike hitting your car/house is so incredibly unlikely that the insurance company will use the defense of "an act of God" to get out of paying the compensation. Insurance works on the premise that circumstances can be estimated with reasonable probability of occurring and thus a premium can be calculated upon that probability. A random-ass meteor hitting your car has such low probability that it is nearly impossible. Impossible to predict = no insurance coverage. The basic thing to realize is that insurance companies will use what ever reason they can to not pay out. If you're further interested (probably not): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_majeure
  22. This thread is quite stupid. Anyway, there have been a hell of a lot of highly useful inventions developed and knowledge gained from the space program that has, indeed, improved your life here on earth. Act of God. Insurance won't pay you shit.
  23. I'll really, really want one if they manage to keep the weight down. Terrible trend lately of making "sports cars" >3000lbs. I would love to see this car come in at 2600lbs or less.
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