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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Well guess Ohio didn't want this huh
  2. If it wasn't a gun he could have filled up some unregistered high volume gas cans using the pay-at-pump loophole and burned down the church. Might have even ending up killing more people that way.
  3. Sounds too dumb of an idea for me to click the link. Right off, the diminished amount of exhaust pulses per turbo would make spooling interesting.
  4. As i understood the prices affected are only what the state will pay, not every average Joe Schmo in Ohio.
  5. The unlimited legal fees is complete bullshit and should kill the bill for anyone considering it other than that the merits of the bill, from analysts and whatnot is basically a toss up either way with helping or hurting
  6. I can't imagine a way that could be determined from bodies, too chaotic. Plenty of rounds must have went into structures though.
  7. Had no idea these shot up in value so much.
  8. Turbs3000 your PM inbox s full.
  9. Do you have/could you get a picture of the rad support and engine bay?
  10. All Ferraris are red, even the blue ones
  11. Buicks are becoming more appealing to me. I'm not sure if they've changed or if I'm becoming an old man.
  12. What gets me is he wrote it up differently, in a manner trying to show he was more of a fucktard than reality.
  13. I take nothing on Twitter seriously. I also take nothing on CNN seriously. I thought it was funny as hell. However, it is far below the station of the POTUS to do such a thing.
  14. Sanders definitely isn't zeroed on the y-axis
  15. I've been thinking about just slapping a sticker on the door and windows. Probably be as effective.
  16. He's been caught for a couple days now. Arraignment in June.
  17. This worked well for my dog - walked him with it for a week or so and he stopped pulling anymore when using the regular collar. Do have to get it out every 4-6 months to remind him though... funny enough mentioning the word "harness" will shape him up if he starts pulling during a walk. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BHRFAK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Do not get a harness that hooks on the top, this just gives the dog more leverage and less chocking itself = makes it pull even more. The one above torques the dog back towards you as it pulls.
  18. How long and wide is it?
  19. One of the best Bond songs and intros there is
  20. I hate seeing this argument. The President doesn't need it to conduct an attack. It's an invalid argument until 60 days after the first action.
  21. No and they should posthumously charge the three asshats to make a point. ETA Just read the headline title - WHAT THE FUCK is a "botched" home invasion? Any home invasion is an abhorrent act, far from anything normal that "botched" would apply to.
  22. I'm surprised a country hasn't done this yet to their female olympic team and won all the gold medals.
  23. Them being the lien holder, and if she was the single signer on the loan, likely means can't do anything about it. If your mother had the loan paid down more than the present value (ahead of depreciation) then might be able to claim the estate owned "equity" in the vehicle. You probably do need an estate/probate attorney.
  24. At the very bottom, but simultaneously on both the extreme left and right corners
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