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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. I only drink water and beer(too damn much) and sometimes juice I quit drinking pop about 10 years ago. I just eat too much food to keep my mouth occupied when I want a cigarette.
  2. I just quit smoking(this Sunday will be the 2 week mark) nothing good has come of this. At week 1(exactly) I snapped on my buddies roommate who was coming down off of heroin(3 days clean) and ended up dislocating his arm. Here is what I looked like after our Easter rumble I also gained like 10lb since I quit smoking I know I need to start working out to keep the weight off and keep my anger issues from smoking to a minimum. I have plenty of time to work out, but I just have a lack of motivation.
  3. Which was freshly prepared with
  4. And got had poo on his finger
  5. I road in the sleet a couple Weeks ago cuz it was nice all day long and wasn't supposed to sleet till 6am the next day(the day we got 4+in of snow) so I ended up driving 10 miles home after it had been sleeting for an hour already, that was no fun.
  6. On a PC 110 give or take a few depending on what i'm typing. on a phone, shit who knows....
  7. Hard to believe that today is the first official day of spring, right? I mean it's 10 degrees below our normal temperature considering how many nice January and February riding days we had. I just figured I would share my disappointment with everyone, i'm sure alot of people here are disappointed aswell
  8. Totally read his name wrong... Welcome.
  9. The no shower rule is an implied rule, no need for it to be listed as a requirement, I thought everybody knew that
  10. Umm... Crack isn't a real drug right?
  11. I got to ride to ride to work, nothing too exciting.
  12. What time yall plan on staying till?
  13. http://www.myfloridacfo.com/consumers/guides/property/sinkholes.htm I guess there is a very, very, very, very shady loophole in this law... I don't really see the difference between ground collapse and sinkhole... They are required to give catastrophic ground collapse insurance(included in base policy) and must provide sinkhole insurance(premium rate)
  14. Issuance companies HAVE to offer sinkhole insurance in flordia by law.
  15. http://m.voices.yahoo.com/how-dye-leather-6021148.html
  16. I just had a new key coded $42 bucks at the dealship, but atleast I can lock my doors and get in my trunk(battery location) without a hassle. I don't trust my current key cuz they are notorious for wearing out and didn't want to get a new one cut from the old one cuz of that so I guess the extra $$ is worth it. just need to spend another $100ish and I'll be set, beats the $200 quote(without a new key) anyday Thanks for help y'all and I'm glad I found a shop(dixon auto on 741) with some legit info that's not all about the money in the process if I can tumble the cylinder myself I'll save another $45, if not I'll gladly pay that for him to tumble and program it.
  17. Ya 06 had the recalls on their cylinders I just found a guy that is willing to do the job for $45 if I get the parts, which is cool cuz I don't know anyone with the tools I would need to retumble unfortunately and even jf I did I wouldn't want to do that myself lol. Luckily my uncle works for a dealer so im thinking if I can give him the vin number he can have one sent to me on the cheap, even without the paperwork hopefully, otherwise I will hit up a local dealer(which I'm actually gunna do right now anyhow). Too bad I cant just get a prebuilt key and cylinder lol oh well, thats life.
  18. 07 satun ion, but ALL the ions use the same cylinder. I just stoped in CarX and they quoted me $200 cuz apparently you have alot of building to do to get all the tumblers correct, which is what I figured after seeing the pictures from Amazon, although he says I can use the same key if my key isn't worn out, otherwise I would need a new key(no biggie, just means it needs to be reprogrammed vs not being reprogrammed). If they came prebuilt to the key it came with that would be sweet, but that isn't the case(unless you get it from a junk yard obviously). If I can get one prebuilt where all I gotta do is slide it in and reprogram the new key that would be awesome. Btw no chip in the key, but there is an anti theft device in the key which is why it needs to be reprogrammed with a new key and the guy at carx said I would have to go to a dealership and get some paperwork and show proof of ownership or whatever done for it to be rekeyed, I was kind of confused on that part, but didn't ask too much about it. Doh I'm dumb, now that I re read your post ya... Purpose of using the same key again is so I won't need a separate key for the ignition vs the rest of the car. And I'm not 100% sure if he was talking about getting the new paper work only if I needed a new key or if I had to get a new key, but that would make sense lol.
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