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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Sweet! What cigars you have? I just got a bunch of free acids, romeos, and I believe some rocky patels.


    I like him. At least hes honest.
  3. how serious of a league is that really, i mean you are wearing nike 6.0 skate shoes...
  4. that was a trick answer, as guido is not an actual ethnicity. Seeing as it is west coast, he knows how to do nails, change brakes on your honda, can massage, can work a computer (photoshop) and has limited eroticism (read: small penis) it is probably of some asian descent.
  5. The state should have no right to take ANYTHING from ANYONE, unless some sort of loss is incurred. Another reason why I hate the government.

    ICWT =

    your garage door looked fine. quit bitching.
  7. Take the $ and pay off all your debt starting with whatever has the highest interest rate. If that happens to be your house, then so be it.
  8. Liberal media = http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r253/Torqued713/firearms/firearms-identification.jpg
  9. I like my XP too, but I have learned to deal with Win Vista.
  10. I use Cera.net and they are good. The guys are nice and personable, and its a small enough place that they know you on a first name basis. Secondly, its on Morrison Rd, on the same grid as the hospital, and the airport, also next to the AEP building. (Meaning they always have power), not to mention you plug into their UPS, and they have a diesel generator out back in case something really goes wrong. Just singing their praises but they are a good place.
  11. I know the feeling. Stick it to the bank man, fuck interest.


    i came and wrecked like 5 times then gave up. it was cold as shit.
  13. I spend wayy to much money on car shit/motorcycle shit/insurance/magazines. I have interventions with myself to control my spending, but then I realize once I save all my money, wtf would I do with it anyway? The answer is always buy more car shit.
  14. over bearing pompous assholes period. it is not a prereq to be italian to be a guido.
  15. Wonder how long before one of us rednecks shoehorns an LS1 in it? Paul wanna lock in on a 50 roll?
  16. it takes 6 hrs because its in BFE. id be down but id like to wait till like late Dec or Jan 1
  17. I wish there was a national punch a guido day, because they make americans look exactly how we are stereotyped.
  18. Id take trowa up on that. Geek Squad would probably charge you like $200 or some shit for that service.
  19. #1. RAM upgrades are cheap, and probably cheaper than you think. #2 Reload the OS. Its not easy to do if you dont know what the hell you are doing, offer someone a 6 pack and im sure they (I) would do it for you #3 Delete unwanted files and Defrag #4 Personally, I would keep 15% of the hard drive freed up (so if you have 100gb drive, only use 75GB) #5 Limewire will not kill your PC. If you avoid DL'ing random .exe, .bat, etc files, you will eliminate probably 95% of your problems #6 Scan with Malwarebytes for viruses Most other advice would be to update your hardware.
  20. Yes, but more specifically the bucks seem more well rounded. If we can contain their quarterback and show them they have no hope on offense, it will effectively be our game to lose. My statement was very general in nature, so I agree with you.
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