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Everything posted by RHill

  1. guess that means no chance at getting you out to Beaver Run again??? That sucks All the more reason you should come out to Nelson :beathorse: Its still discounted on the website and they take credit cards Should talk al z heimer into bringing the super hawk out as well
  2. They clocked you from a plane? Damn, thought I was already paranoid, now I have to keep an eye on the sky as well.
  3. want, but spent too much already this month. Anyway, already have one that I dont have enough time to edit the video from.
  4. *cough* Nelson's trackday *cough* lol
  5. I hear they pay money for blood and spare organs.
  6. or you could ride Nelson's to Nelson's and not have to worry about cops I cant believe you are taking the ride I recomended a few weeks ago on a day that I'll be at the track
  7. RHill

    road rage

    REPOST! still feel bad for the guy in the silver car coming the opposite direction who got soaked
  8. I might try to stir up a few guys from work for this, but their idea of a long ride is about an hour.....so I doubt anyone will be interested.
  9. I'm visiting South Carolina in mid to late October, figured I'd hit the Gap and some surrounding roads on the way down or back. Anyone going to be down there at the time?
  10. RHill

    go pro

    I'm taking the damn stick on mount of my helmet....its useless. Funny thing is, when I'm on the dirtbike the helmet mount works fine....guess there is less to be paranoid about in the woods and no mirrors to check.
  11. More than likely I'll be good to go for this.
  12. RHill

    go pro

    Yep, always use it. Recently I also started to put a piece of electrical tape on the base. It helps stop vibrations much better than that plug.
  13. I have a bunch of video, but I'm literally stealing internet to post this. ATT is trying to screw me when it comes to moving my sevice...spent the last two hours trying to find my best service option. Haven't even had time to take the video off the gopro.
  14. lol Doc will post up a "moderate" ride and people will show pictures of balled up tires after the ride. Seriously though, if today was easy, what is aggressive? think the track day messed with your pacing descriptions Doc.
  15. I'm a newb What is hot pitting? Is it worthwhile to bring an easy-up canopy? Is a full tank plus a 5 gallon can enough gas for the day? I'm starting to gather stuff up, anticipation is building.
  16. Next time I'll have to come with you, I really like 62 and 60 as well. I thought of following you as we pulled onto 22. 77 is backbreaking and so tiring.
  17. Just got back about 20 minutes ago, was a very good ride. Once again the trip up 77 sucked, but I love the 9-39-542-212 route to get to 77 from where we split up. Just stay comfortable, don't push to keep up with the group....they will wait an the next turn(hopefully) Let the group take off and concentrate on your riding, body position, lines, entry speeds, gearing, etc. There is a lot to do on a bike and pushing takes away any room for error. It was good riding with you today, hope we can do it again.
  18. RHill

    scary obituary

    Just to be the devil's advocate, because it is fun. "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:....." Consider at which points in the past we consider the "world's greatest civilizations". If we can make advancements on similar magnitudes as those civilizations in the past; who gives a shit if our society crumbles.
  19. Little late, but what are you doing tomorrow? http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=97274
  20. Sent you a PM with my number. Sorry, didnt see your post till a few minutes ago. Like I said, feel free to give me a call tonight or in the AM. edit....guess it is the AM already.
  21. I'll be shooting across 80 then down 77 if you wanted to meet up. I try to make up for sleeping in during the commute, so maybe if we plan to meet up nearby I wont be able sleep in
  22. so thats speedway, right where 183 and 43 meet....I'll try not to go to the wrong gas station this time
  23. Got the apartment situation sorted out...good to go for tomorrow Bought myself a birthday present, track day next weekend.....maybe I'll join the popular kids and become a track snob as well.
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