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Everything posted by RHill

  1. I am, or I would have spent $25 to bid on that bike Anyone ever deal with crashedtoys before? I've been watching the site for awhile and they have some decent deals sometimes, other times crap goes for way more than it seems it is worth.
  2. haha, I've thought about your honda. IDK, I like building shit, tearing into it and learning as much as I do running it. Plus it would be cool to feel the difference as you add components like shocks and get it setup properly....of course it if I picked up a track pre-prepped bike it would still need setup, possibly resprung and all that good stuff. Still in the thought process mode right now. Better deal is going to more than likely be a track bike, but I think a cosmetically damaged street bike (like the one linked) wouldn't be too far off. I haven't priced an 08-09 r6 track bike, but I'd bet that wreck is much cheaper....enough to at least offset the majority of the costs while pretty much still being trackable from the getgo with just a little work. I'd easily have more money into than an older gen trackbike, but then again its stating off with 2600 miles. IDK, just bsing and brainstorming at this point.
  3. Told a friend I wanted this, but thought it would make its way up between $3500-700. I couldn't bid sight unseen, but was really tempted when it was still around $2300 this morning. http://www.crashedtoys.com/Inventory.aspx?InventoryID=127056&secid=2&trc=63&langCode=en&tzw=Eastern+Standard+Time&fts=r6
  4. did you plan on pulling out the gun when popo arrived?
  5. wonder how fast the tip of the needle got going before it struck down, sounded pretty cool
  6. mine was doing the same thing at low speeds, it was either the wheel being dented(was, measure runout and it was good though), tire being crap, or the bearings going bad. Replaced wheel and tire and it was good.
  7. From the sound of the shower situation, some people here seem to enjoy a little ass packing. So you actually use the lap button? I would think someone would have asked wtf you were doing taking a hand off the clip on every lap.
  8. North of Greenville....have to look at the routes, may ride to deals gap if I can talk my brother in law into it. If not, I'll probably stop off on the way back to check it out. Considering a trackday at Carolina Motorsports Park as well.

  9. Awesome story, hope he started his school.
  10. yeah, I took my bike to PA to store for the winter, and it turned out we had none. This year I'll keep it in Ohio, and we will have the worst winter on record.
  11. no way that is less than 500lbs anyway I'm thinking of something other than suzuki for my next bike unless I find a hell of a deal
  12. too bad there isn't more video to see how he got into that situation. Splitting at least a couple riders down the middle at a high rate of speed with a vehicle in front....not the brightest
  13. wow reminds me of this game "flatout" where your driver would be ejected when you wreck, the tumble looks exactly like something from that game
  14. Your trailer is too heavy for my car....unless you want to throw in the car for $4k
  15. I could... Need to start saving my pennies if I want to pick up something track specific this winter. DAMN Grattan is a hell of a drive....have to think about that one.
  16. hmmm wonder if the AIM MyChron Light TG timer is any good....dont have time to research.
  17. I was thinking I could use a stopwatch
  18. Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out. Still trying to nail down exact dates for this, brother in law has been commuting to Canada for work and we are not sure when that is coming to an end. Hopefully talk him into riding for a little while, doubt he will make the trip to the gap though.
  19. I think nitpicking about the audio is diving into the details a little too deep. Now if you were complaining about a movie like "Torque", then I'd be behind you 100%. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPWoz7WTmjU
  20. ^ assuming I can keep up Maybe I'll just use my gopro and go frame by frame to figure out when the start/finish line disappears. It's more of a curiosity thing I guess. Seeing the times probably wont do jack at this point...focusing on references, lines and consistency would probably help the most, then worry about variations to cut time.
  21. I guess you had all the abuse you can take about being a blind novice? Don't need a laptimer that bad, plus I don't want to take away everyone's fun.
  22. I'm impatient when it comes to spending money....look at how I got my suit lol Really thinking of pulling the trigger on the moto-d site
  23. yeah, you don't notice the 3 hour ride down at all its the 3 hour ride back that is a bitch
  24. Pretty much the same thing I'm going through. Looked around for a Ultra-lap xt during lunch today, but didnt find anything. Spotted the knock off Moto-D/BestLap timer last night, but didn't really look into it. Tried some searching today can't find concrete reviews of the damn thing. It says it is compatible with the ultra-lap xt transmitter, but IDK if ultra-lap changed anything when they upgraded their unit?
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