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Everything posted by RHill

  1. I've got a golf outing Saturday morning or I'd be in for Friday and the campfire cuddling. Fuck golf, why did I sign up for this shit.
  2. well, guess I'll be the test dummy
  3. considering the "Cheetah GPS laptimer" http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motorcycle-Car-Racing-Upgraded-Cheetah-GPS-Lap-Timer-Section-Timing-Drag-Timing-/321738666865?hash=item4ae91e7371&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cheetah-gps-lap-timer-drag-timing-section-training-motorcycle-car-outdoor-racing-/171758515645?hash=item27fd9af5bd&vxp=mtr http://www.sumomoto.com/GPSLapTimers/Products.html http://www.amazon.com/SUMOMOTO-Cheetah-Section-Training-Motorcycle/dp/B00XKWP5FK http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOKIA-BL-5CA-OEM-CELL-PHONE-BATTERY-2275-6820-6822-7610-N71-N72-N91-E50-E60-/291386567253?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43d7fe2a55
  4. xt is working fine, N2 and Mid-O haven't been reliable when it comes to beacons
  5. Curious if anyone has any experience with one of these or similar: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251570068118?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT This season has been nothing but issues with the XT. Would like to get a GPS unit, but I'm not dropping $350+, would rather spend a day and half more at the track and stare at my blank XT display.
  6. Yep....the old one was smashed up pretty good last year. It is OK, but nowhere near as nice as the Star.
  7. RHill


    We will see how the weather looks through the weekend and figure things out as they go If it's nice, I'll be there.
  8. Know anyone who goes to Mid-O? Would love to pick up the stands from you, but don't know how we could work it.
  9. ^ shit....I didn't see your post until I came home yesterday. Recognize your car, think we were actually pitted a few spots away. Excellent weekend....only thing that could have made it better would have been a functioning lap timer. Wish I could say for sure, but I pretty confident I topped my personal best from last year. If not, whatever, had a great time with a bunch of friends. South track looks amazing....the simulation does not do the elevation changes justice. Accelerating out the southernmost right is going to be like a hill climb. The blind left after the paddock is going to take some time to build confidence one turn in and entrance speed. Hoping it is a little more gentle on tires than the north track, smoked a rear take off in a day...normally was getting 3-4 out of a rear. In any case, N2 is running PIRC full course July 18th and 19th, then again on August 29th and 30th.....hint hint. Anyway, here is a couple videos from the weekend:
  10. This seems to be a recurring theme
  11. Nothing exciting, might pick up another 04/05 GSXR track bike, and then sell the street bike since the only time it has moved in last 2 years was to go to PIRC. Should sell it all and pick up a nice bike, but then I'd be afraid of pitching it down the track.
  12. Mr. Stoppable is going to be there Friday and Saturday night.....I heard he is good at putting on stickers/numbers, you just have to get him hammered first.
  13. Hope your not actually thinking toward the next bike yet....if you are, let me ride that one before you get rid of it Hell, depending how this weekend plays, I may have an 05 gsxr 600 for sale.
  14. lol so the next bike is going to be a 1k?
  15. Will do! Chris, they have a lot of days on the schedule at PIRC....stop out at the next one! Jeff, damn I wanted to check out your SV....speaking of which, how are you liking it so far?
  16. Friday night is when all the cool kids are showing up BTW.
  17. 99% of the time "I laid the bike down." means "I panicked. I've never attempted emergency braking or maneuvering, so I have no idea the capability of my bike, so my natural reaction was to stab the brakes as hard as I could and surf asphalt." however there is always the rare case:
  18. Bump.... New expansion pipe Newer clutch basket Extra new set of plastics Extra set of bars and maybe clamps Needs ridden would be willing to trade for an OMRL XR100 setup
  19. Almost a year later, still have this thing hanging on the wall
  20. RHill


    Tuesday is looking promising....temps are not ideal, but the overnight from Mon-Tues isn't looking too bad.
  21. I was considering taking a half day, but I'm unprepared. Could have rushed, but after the trip to Mexico last week, just don't feel like driving for 17 hrs.
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