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Everything posted by RHill

  1. RHill


    Last session of Sunday....some alone time on a beat ass tire. Smooth is fast and no drive=smooth, but it made the pass on the outside of (old) t5 toward the end interesting. Amazing going an entire session and basically seeing no one...
  2. RHill


    Lets just say Brandon wasn't lonely in his trailer....
  3. RHill


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88bJ2f67lfg Once again, internet explorer is screwing me over and not working with the embedding....click the link above to see 10 minutes of Jester's ass.
  4. RHill


    Wow...Pittsburgh International Race Complex, is becoming fitting of the name. N2 will be running the full course again on August 29th and 30th....
  5. Doubtful, but I might try to make tuesday
  6. RHill


    You made me look up the list of goodies.....for anyone else interested:
  7. RHill


    Fyi I believe they are having a dinner Saturday for a $20 donation towards the air fence.
  8. Ehhh if you want to live on the edge, go to a wet track day and scare the shit out of yourself! It is rideable, if that is what you call putting around constantly questioning what the bike is going to do in the next corner. Racing....no way...someone will just end up getting hurt, for what?
  9. Nelson has a lot of grip in the rain (can't speak for the new patchwork), just don't go out on 13 year old rains that have the profile of a brick... Riding in the rain is fun...kind of nerve racking as you first are trying to figure out how much traction is there. Once that initial period is over and you start to slowly push your limits, it is a great time. I'm not riding in the rain this year, only because of what happened last. but I will again in the future....just not again at Mid-O, there is no point there.
  10. RHill


    Search on YouTube for pitt race and sort by upload date....seems to be a decent number of full track videos going up. There is one dude getting sideways a decent amt in what looks a little wet. I'll be there for both, but I'll be playing Brandon's pitt bitch if it is raining. Wtf am I saying, 80 and sunny.
  11. RHill


    if not, I'm thinking Mid-O.....then we will have to figure out other N2 days to go to but 80 and sunny....for sure
  12. RHill


    Shut your mouth....it is goinig to be 80 and sunny all weekend.
  13. RHill


    mmmmm Mid-O, want to, but I'm doubting I'll be allowed the vacation time.
  14. RHill


    Full track is almost upon us....
  15. RHill


    Watched motorcycle superstore review of the fusions, those things look like they give no support at all. That sucks man, hindsight being 20/20, I could have brought some sliders for the A*'s....oddly enough, only ever touched toe on the street. Good news about not requiring surgery! Are you a contortionist? Trying to figure out how the hell you pulled that photo off
  16. and yes, I have an appliance store in the backside of my garage.....2 ovens, 2 washers and 2 dryers.
  17. Only thing that would be better, finding a cheap wrecked 750...
  18. RHill


    Dude that is rough. Out of curiousity, what boots did you have on and what do you think of their performance?
  19. Damnit.....so much want, but I have so much I need to do to my bike and around the house.
  20. RHill

    Ear Plugs

    Disposable....1 set used per day....street or track.
  21. makes you wonder why this type of thing hasn't been incorporated onto new bikes.... accelerometer wired in parallel to the existing brake system, so the lights show anytime the bike is decelerating past a certain threshold and you can still "signal" with the brake levers if needed. Pretty simple and cheap. Doesn't fix the issue of drivers not paying attention and/or seeing your brake light. When reading the title I thought it was going to be a brake light on riding gear.
  22. RHill


    Lol you should have seen road atlanta...quarts of moonshine, fifths of captain, beer...and he was amazingly the first one up in the morning. Musky (N2 instructor) on the other hand, well he wasn't up so early. Truth be told, I think a wider variety of tracks has helped push his limits....caught on QUICK to Mid-O.
  23. RHill


    He just seems quicker because my engine is going out.... (even though it is). It helps he has been doing less of this: the night before trackdays
  24. RHill


    Couple more, first from the twilight, then Monday. Wish I could do WERA, but have training scheduled at work.
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