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Everything posted by RHill

  1. RHill


    Get em! Wish I had the extra cash, really miss racing. Best of luck!!!
  2. RHill


    Damn... Just a little aside on the GoPro fog, crack the case open (don't even have to undo the latch completely) between rounds to eliminate the chance of fog. I normally run the open back case because I like the sound.
  3. RHill


    Damn, thats tough. I've had a few slides accelerating through 14, but never early. Internet explorer keeps screwing up the video link and won't let me embed, but here it goes anyway. Advanced 7th session, the return of the Ohio Riders Train! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzziiMhpXC0
  4. RHill


    Sorry to hear, heal up quick! After the transition from right to left and rolling on? ^ was good hanging out with you...hope to see you out there again sometime. Will always have canopy space for anyone in need!
  5. Thinking of doing a swap on my 600...
  6. RHill


    Morning through lunch was still a slick.....last couple sessions of the day were 100%, don't know if it took that long to clean all the car rubber up or if was just in my head. All in all, it wasn't too bad, just had to approach with caution and slowly ratchet the pace up. Had a great time last night and today!
  7. RHill


    You need tires or just a change? There has been service everyday that I've been there.
  8. RHill


    I'll have mine, should have plenty of space for you and your bike....
  9. RHill


    I normally get there early....unpack and get everything ready, then go watch the event that is running prior to the twilight. I wouldn't plan to get there later than 3:30, think the riders meeting is at 4:30 and the intermediate group goes out at 5, then advanced at 5:15 and track is open at 5:30.
  10. RHill


    Change of plans....no more Road Atlanta....hello Mid Ohio! Can't avoid me now!
  11. RHill


    well, when my car exhaust split in two pieces....kinda threw a wrench into the plans Twilight is like being King of Intermediate for the whole advance group! Dan wants 1:38s just to say he is faster than me at another track
  12. RHill


    It feels like you are avoiding me....
  13. Unfortunately I haven't watched it this year, but Moto3 is crazy....it is almost like chess trying to set positions leading up to the final turn/run onto the straight.
  14. Sadly... Although I think Craig is a little like Marc.....damn near had me in the pitts at Putnam
  15. Rossi "caused" the bump by running the normal line....the same line Marc ran the previous lap. Marc was trying to straight up block through the chicane, come in hot, blow the exit, force Rossi wide and pinch him off through the left.... Marc just didn't forsee the contact/excusse for Rossi to cut the corner and go dirtbiking straight through.
  16. Intense finish to a very close race. Amazing riders to hold it together; the bike movement in the slow mo is mind blowing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umxpugzctsw Think the lunge put on by Marc was expected, but still reckless
  17. Get yourself an XT Lap Timer and know how fast your going around the track. $85, add a couple bucks and I'll ship it. 3 stuck pixels, can be seen under the 4 in the date. Affects nothing. Comes with velcro attached! Yeah thats right, a 1:03.36 at Mid-O, in April.....top that. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wXhkMRQSIVoTLfgW5P9NlwiN1HEqQtwGveG2SmXVQ7U=w1231-h692-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OUWZ7WPYvYe0e0Q2DF2gmbpYRThga1_2Vfd89For1Z0=w1231-h692-no wont let me post the damn images, so click the links
  18. Have to try varying the pressure and maybe a little with the rebound as well...have a feeling it will clear up when I go to another track, just prefer to diagnose it and make corrections for next time.. At first I was thinking it was geometry with too much weight on the front, but with the sizes being so close to the dunlops and not seeing the issue in the past when the front was 12mm lower....kind of rules that out. Plus watching: The geometry tear seems more constant circumference, where mine looks like the rubber is running out like a hot tear. Either way the grip was great. Tightening up for the second apex in the carousel and keyhole...100% confident the tires would get me there. One time trail braking into T11 that the front seemed to chatter slightly, but that was immediately after installing the Pirelli's. I didn't have the confidence in them under straight line hard braking, but was slowly picking it up.
  19. RHill


    Wish I could make the 5th/6th.....be roasting at Road Atlanta if the weather looks decent. Dan, got any more take offs?
  20. RHill


    Can't blame the hardware, it would only require 1 button press on track to set the start/finish line for each track and a press of the enter button before going on track. I just kept forgetting to turn the thing on before going out, or resetting it requiring a new start/finish. Safety should be taken seriously and I don't want it portrayed that I'm putting anyone at risk, especially for something as trivial as a lap timer during a track day. It was a blast as usual. Towed Taft around for a bit, then he showed me how slow I am by hitting 1:37's as I topped out at 39's and hit exhaustion status. The track is amazing, but I'm hoping there is some discussion/thought of repairing the keyhole exit, it can be downright frightening.
  21. RHill


    Copy and paste the actual hyperlink of the video in the browser, the "share" like doesn't always seem to work properly. When it works, you should be able to preview the post and see the embedded video: The box is a GPS laptimer. Super sketchy? Keep messing with? In traffic? Assuming that I'm not focused ahead?.....nah not critical, exaggerated or fabricated at all. A few of us were pitted up top for Sunday and didn't really feel like loading up just to re-position for Monday.
  22. dayum that photo of the hand is messed up.... I lube mine with the engine running, in gear, spraying down into the bottom of the visible chain, with a PAPER TOWEL used to shroud the chain and keep the lube off the tire. Keep the fingers away from the ingoing nip point (chain and sprocket) and never try to catch a paper towel that gets snagged.....pretty simple and gets the job done in under 10 seconds. Wouldn't advise someone to do it that way, but thats how I do it. I've used WD-40 to clean a chain more than a few times, but I always go over it with some chain specific oil. Used to use gearcase oil on my ATV chains, never had any problems.
  23. RHill


    ^ just fucking with you, a 1:44 on your first day at Mid-O is moving.....probably because I did such a great job towing you around Watching that frame slider appear, then bounce right beside Taft was CRAZY. Actually, watch close at 7:07 and you can see it: Speaking of Taft, 1:37's......damn. I was getting a big head early in the day, passing you around the outside of the keyhole, then you had to go deflate my ego by topping my personal best by nearly 2 seconds. and here is the 5th session as well...
  24. funny....actually only have 5 on my bike now thank you very much If you get it to me tomorrow or Thursday I could fiberglass and have it ready by the weekend.
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