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Everything posted by RHill

  1. You know my story.....if I could, I would be in.
  2. True....remember PIRC last year.....think he gave it up after that as well
  3. wait just one second....I thought you gave up drinking after Road Atlanta???
  4. No love for NCBike....that is OK....have to see what the weather is going to be like, there is always Nelson and Mid-O following. If It is crappy up here, it may be a solo road trip.
  5. wonder where that first pic was taken Bike looks good, I'm jelly of all these nice paint jobs. Don't think he has a choice, it is obsessive compulsive. Still amazed he let me ride the 750....my leathers were probably the most dirt that thing ever had on it..
  6. Craig....I got a yz250 with your name on it
  7. Saw the video go up on youtube yesterday and had the thought "Is Doc advertising the VFR???" followed by "Nahhhhh, there's no way" Just to find this. Hope you change your mind before someone snatches this from you.....if I wasn't severely addicted to trackdays, I'd be very interested.
  8. 2 wheels.....I'm assuming front and rear?
  9. lol nice prediction wheels are different axle sizes so they wont work for an 06-up. I'll take em if they are straight and you can take paypal now and hold onto them till a Mid-O day to pick up en route.
  10. haha, I'm happy with my riding, but I'm far from "fast" compared to most CR's....tons of room for improvement. Chuck, Dan spotted/bumped this thread over on N2's forum, seems pretty lame. http://forum.n2td.org/index.php?threads/motard-track-days.35531/
  11. I wouldn't rule out N2 if you want to ride PIRC. The parking problem isn't an issue under normal circumstance, just pass on the brakes or outside....it was just the CR being there and not knowing I was behind (it was only 1 lap, but I would have stuck the pass on the other rider in 1-2 turns max). With your bike and the unique sound, I think you will have even less of an issue.
  12. Inside passes are a no-no, inside on the brakes need to be "complete" by turn in (your tail should be in front of their nose)....outside passes are OK. "wave by" rule: you are only allowed to pass a control rider after they have signaled you past. Sounds annoying as hell, but (for the most part) their CR's are constantly looking back and readily wave people by. I'd say 90% of my 1.5 days in intermediate, the CR looked back and waved me by before I was inhibited at all. They will sometimes hold off on a wave by to spread traffic, or tell a rider to dial it back with a "pat down" motion (how can you tell a rider behind you needs to dial it back? beyond me). Received a couple of the "pat down" motions the first day, followed the CR for a lap and got the wave by. By far the most frustrating part of the "wave by" rule (for me) was being stuck behind a rider on a much faster bike who parked in every corner and was being followed by a control rider also on a big bike. At that point, the CR might as well have a big "STOP" sign on their vest for every braking zone.
  13. Hit them up on their forum or through their contact form and explain your situation before hand just to be sure, but I can't see there being an issue. If nothing else, they might want to go out with you for the first session to observe. Intermediate is no different with N2 than MotoSeries or STT, there is a broad range of skills and bikes. Well, there is the "wave by" rule difference in intermediate.
  14. we shall see..... Really hesitant to "spend" days on the North track, when you get 90% of the North track at PIRC full.
  15. Might come down to help out / pit bitch / bs, but I'm not riding this weekend.
  16. Trailer is ready to roll....will be nice to fill up gas without digging the cans out of the car. Half the car and trailer is open if anyone is interested....open trailer means a dirty bike, but the saving of 22mpg will pay for a wash after the weekend.
  17. Going to mess around with the car/trailer setup this weekend to get the cooler, gas cans and bike stands out of the car....if everything works as envisioned, I should be able to fit another rider and a decent amount of gear. Trailer is already setup for 2 bikes. I'm not 100% yet, but a ride share would go a long way
  18. Like I said on the way back, if the timing works out, I would be available to lend a hand that thursday evening/friday morning. PIRC will likely depend on NCBike...although doing both sounds like fun.
  19. Come on Craig....dunno if Ron told you, we had double stufs at VIR.....they were so good. N2 is also at PIRC and Road Atlanta the next weekend....so I guess that is on the table as well. John, I'm extremely eager to get back to Mid-O, but the thought of cold overnights with mild mid-day temps brings me back to reality. It is really dependent on the weather, but my thought for Mid-O was holding off till June to hopefully get one or two good morning sessions or a longer evening for twilight.
  20. Appreciate the writeup. Can't believe 1/4 of your group didn't know what the corkscrew was after paying $3k to ride the track....that's crazy. Really wish I could do something like this (or any other schools), but it would blow the track budget for the year in a single weekend....maybe one day.
  21. your not done drinking....just don't break out the 2nd pint canning jar of moonshine when you are already hammered. I'm still amazed you were up on Sunday at all.
  22. I'm not trimming the end off this one because it is too funny. Come in to see Dan had removed his air vest.... Me: "Your not quitting" Dan: "What?" Me: "Your going out again" Dan: "When?" Me: "Next session" Then he rides You are welcome.
  23. The rider on the left slowed up big time as well....thought I was going to have to split the two, so I had to cut it extremely close to the guy who had the mechanical or whatever.
  24. From Saturday....Ron gave me the one finger wave by on the back straight, so I had to oblige. Be sure to check out 6:30 if you want to see the scariest moment of the weekend...even worse than the almost highside at VIR. That was the first try for a bump to advanced....knew my lines weren't perfect and was really having issues with T7, but the only thing the instructor critiqued (even after running the curb in T7) was my body position. "you are not getting over far enough, making the bike use 100% of it's lean angle"...then went on to emulating Marquez. I was dumbfounded; at a loss for words, I questioned if he was even watching the right guy, but didn't say it outloud....just sat there and took it while Ron listened laughing to himself. After the conversation ended, it started to eat at me....did I forget how to get off the bike? The leathers were a little snug, and I gained a few lbs over the winter....maybe that was holding me up? Joked about it that night, but it seriously bothered me. Then come home to see the photos, and once again question if he was even referring to the right rider. http://www.highsidephoto.com/p927007001/h418A5611#h418a5611
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