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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Back to the OT Road Atlanta; 2-5 looks sick: VIR....can already tell, going to want to come back to this one
  2. RHill


    As much as I'd like to go and kick off the season a little earlier, you're not gonna talk me into it. Traveling for N2 days and NYST is going to consume all my vacation, don't really have the option of JGP.
  3. Updated calendar for this year
  4. RHill


    wish, 06/07 parts and crap seems pretty abundant while the older model is a little more scarce damn, that schedule is rough....twilights, which I could make without vacation time, are all on sundays and full days (which obviously req vacation) are all during the week Link to trackday calendar; N2, MotoSeries & Mid-O
  5. RHill


    Perfect, just need the bike to go with!
  6. RHill


    Raceday only appears on race day, normaly day to day life drives him mad. And apparently it doesn't take much to "make" Jester to do something....just say it is a good time. I think buying me a new set of fairings would be fun Dan....get on it!
  7. RHill


    Every once in awhile, I'll still toss in a little extra rev on clutch release.....nothing wrong with Going "fast" in a straight line was boring after the first top end run. "Common sense" for twisties kicked in with the first totaled bike/down. The urge to push on the street died with the first trackday. I'd still ride the street, but it is an hour highway ride too and from decent roads.....rather hit the track.
  8. Got to make it out to one of these this year
  9. I see it! Looking to the right with jaw open, lunging forward to eat the paddock and kart track!
  10. Signed up for Road Atlanta Offtopic, but who cares....first vid gives a good perspective of camber. Signed up for this as well
  11. Guess they wont be around mid-season lol
  12. If you still have them around mid-season remind me. Really want to give Pirelli's a shot, but that's not happening till late in the year when the tire stockpile is depleted.
  13. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/106618-road-atlanta-vir-4415-4615/
  14. Those had a lot of life left
  15. Jeff, hit up Ron....he was talking about needing tires.
  16. you know you wanna.... I'll be signing up for that one as well as Road Atlanta and VIR in the coming days. I like PIRC, but the traffic can get pretty congested at times because of the short track; PIRC is the only track I've ever pulled through the pitts because of traffic, the longer circuit should help with that. I haven't paid close attention to the layout of the south track, but I hope they include something like the chicane at mid-o where passes can be made pretty easy by maintaining momentum.
  17. RHill


    it isn't addictive....I just choose not to stop forreal though, the track removes a lot of the "what ifs" that can happen on the street; it enables greater focus on your riding. it's still winter
  18. RHill


    Yep, I've weather watched and signed up the day before using the gift certs; hasn't been a late registration penalty applied. Dave, your going to get hooked! Thanks for posting up the code....after I hear back how many I still have from last year, I'll be picking up a few more.
  19. RHill


    I need to read up about WERA rules, but yeah....count me in for races at Mid-O. We need to plan out a OR day Mid-O....would be cool to get to know some more screen names in person. Maybe even get some street guys out to the track.
  20. I had to look for the date.(March 17th for anyone who didn't catch it) Would love to get on track sooner, but I can't expend vacation time with the longer travel trackdays planned for the summer.
  21. RHill


    ^ true. Until you visited enough new tracks to understand how comfortable and quickly you adapt to a new layout, bumping down a level should always be a consideration.
  22. RHill


    The weekday trackdays are rough, but it is worth it. Hopefully we will get at least a couple weekend dates. Don't think there is a N requirement for first time at the track. Hear their program is pretty good, but you would be fine in I Jeff. Days normally start out at a pretty mild pace as everyone feels out the traction.
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