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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Ask him for me too...may snag a couple individual ones. Wish I could sets every round, but the trackday/racing budget comes first.
  2. I think Chuck would have to be slowed down by the Iron Curtain.
  3. We could go to NYST 7th and 8th then go straight to Mid-O, hang out and camp the 9th and ride the 10th That is if Nelson isn't repaired for MotoSeries round 3. If it is, Nelson then straight to Mid-O!
  4. Thats cool, I actually thought they tied up together as I went around...it was too bad, was really looking forward to dicing it up with them for the last few laps.
  5. Thanks, I was a little pissed that I left the camera in narrow mode, but the video didn't turn out bad. I'll have to watch the trackday videos to see if there is anything worth posting. A couple laps of t10 during one of the afternoon intermediate sessions:
  6. 600/1k sbk race 2....anyone know what happened at 10:36? I was closing up on the two riders in front and all of a sudden they went off track at the bus stop. I saw something fly on the track and you can kind of see it in the video. Lost a peg or something???
  7. I think I spooked him on the first lap with the pass on the outside of the bus stop(even though I didn't come in across his line), because he immediately started looking back. Later, he motored me on the front straight after getting around Steve...but I got him right back on the outside of 3 into 4.
  8. Mini 20...by far my best start/race ever. Little lull in the action from 8:30 to 11:30 as I give up on passing Yoder and take a breather; then Craig shows up and its on!
  9. badass! can't wait to watch it when this video of the 600 race finishes processing, bogging my computer and making it look like a slide show I was doing that pass on the outside of 3 and taking the inside line into 4 all day long
  10. found the last session of advanced on youtube already
  11. haha wasn't pissed, just disappointed. Think it's cool seeing the other perspective. Next time I'm just going to start your camera for you each race. I screwed up and had my camera on narrow field of view, but it still turned out pretty well.
  12. Races were an absolute blast. Large grids and it seemed like everyone has someone at a similar pace to run with, was definitely the closest racing I've been a part of. I've got the 600/1k races and the 20 on video...hopefully have it all edited down and uploaded this week.
  13. You beat me in the second 600 race
  14. Damn it Craig, you beat me to it
  15. ^ a lot more to it than that. The poor choice of wording may have been intentional; the managers got the boot. Todd is working with the owner to sort out repairs before the next MotoSeries round; he will be making an announcement this week if round 3 will continue as scheduled. "ALL EVENTS/ACTIVITY AT NELSON HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY. IF/WHEN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE THERE WILL BE AN ANNOUNCEMENT."
  16. nope no punctures...front actually has less miles because I was running a q2 front with the road 2 rear at the gap. I'll be out your way June 8th if the repairs at Nelson go through....if not, then I'll be heading to PA June 20th.
  17. Pretty cool track...videos don't do it justice. Looking forward to the races tomorrow.
  18. If you don't mind putting it together, this is the way to go IMHO. Out the door with registration and plate you will be around $300. Add a wheel chock and a ramp or 2x10 and you will be ready to roll. Nice and low, so single person loading is pretty damn easy.
  19. someone needs some rubber $100
  20. Signed up for saturday+600 sprints. Considering the 20 or 40 as well.
  21. After paying for the putnam round with MotoSeries, I think I'm going to have to sit this one out.
  22. a new bike? is it going to be a harley?
  23. you think he actually updated them? hell his sig still says novice....
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