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Everything posted by RHill

  1. I'll be there Friday/Saturday to help around the track and pit bitch, unfortunately skipping the track day to save money unless something changes.
  2. Was out chopping down hay with a weed-eater yesterday, now I'm ready to ride! Signed up for the 750gt, both 600's and the 20 minute. Lets do this!
  3. The only compairson I made was saying that my bike(with current gearing and me riding) will top out in second gear before the apex of t3 and that I was surprised others were going into 1 in second....you said that a 600 cannot keep pace if they go into t1 in second. I was specific, you made a general statement about all 600's, all riders and all gearing. Speeds are irrelevant to me, don't have it displayed and have no motivation to install a pickup so it would be.
  4. don't think anyone cares about indicated speed....Craig was just giving an example of the stupid tall gearing on his bike. Tire diameter and the delta that occurs when upright and leaned over also doesnt matter....only thing that matters is going through the turn and not banging off the limiter well before roll off and braking for 4.
  5. Picked them up over the winter to try something different, but they are a too tight. I'm 5'7" around 220. They "fit" with an A* back protector....just didn't let me move on the bike or breath easily enough while on the track. Looking to get what I paid, $200. Will come with a set of pucks.
  6. I had to let up a bit in case he came to the outside edge before turning in, you could have made it through on both us.
  7. nice!! 16:27 was a very interesting experience....
  8. I just passed the white helmet guy(not sure who he is) on the outside of 9...then passed Steve on through the exit of 10 Craig went for the inside pass on "white helmet" and had to back off because he didn't quite get there. Actually thought we were going to be 3 wide through the apex of 9, because I saw Craig going for the inside as I was setting up on the outside.
  9. don't know how you guys take 2-3 in second unless your running stock gearing. Last year I was hitting 13k in 3rd through T3 when pushing...anytime I've screwed up and been in 2nd for T1 I top out and have to shift before the apex of T3. T2-T4 is probably my favorite portion of the track though.
  10. Might have to try 2nd for the carousel...dipping down below 8k in 3rd there. Hopefully help me stay a little tighter mid turn. Last 3 laps of the 40 minute last year....spectator showed me 5 minutes to go and I started to push, think the last one is my personal best at PIRC. Really need to work on consistancy through 7. http://youtu.be/3oBPWHB_fAA?t=37m33s
  11. Wow, didn't realize my shifting was so much different than everyone else...I'm -1+2. I got pretty comfortable with the following: I'm in 6th front and back straight, down 3 into t1 and carousel. Shifting up to 4th between 6 and 7 then 5th and short shift into 6th down the hill. Felt like I got a lot better drive out of the kink already being in 6th.
  12. I'm very jealous...should have went. Looking good man....use brakes more and engine braking less, it will end the rear wheel hop you are getting in the braking zones of t1 and the carousel....you will also slow down a lot quicker and get more life out of you sprockets/chain
  13. Still not sure how I managed to avoid getting a knee down all weekend....need to score an extra tall set of knee sliders. Thought this was kind of cool...Steve, myself, Craig's best buddy; taken by Craig's gopro.
  14. so did the ride down outside t7 just go down? because it almost looks like they are still sliding as they come into frame. I'd put money on the rider in front hesitating because the saw the other rider down and didn't see a flag...or saw a flag at the last second. Think we have all done it... The hesitation trapped the CR and he already had closing speed.
  15. Regrettably, Nelson was "that bad" for round 1. It really makes the track hard to defend. Last year, I had more than a couple conversations with guys at Mid-O explaining "the track isn't bad, it is rough and there are patches, but there is a ton of grip and the layout is a blast". If the same conversation comes up this year... I really hope it gets turned around....even if it takes skipping a round, two, or going out on a weekend to dig up loose patchwork, whatever.
  16. drink more water Not much you can do IMO...if it is a race grit your teeth and deal with it...but being a track day I'd say signal and pull in (predictably). either shake it out as you roll through hot pit, lean the bike on the wall and actually stretch, or head in and force yourself to drink a couple bottles of water. In any case, when the session comes to an end, drink more water.
  17. I should....cheaper to ride than the track bike.
  18. for emphasis....soren is going to dick pic and glory hole you if you miss this quesiton on the test
  19. from the comments there seems to be a red flag.....here is the solution FUCKING SIGNAL WHEN YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO COME OFF TRACK. The moment you see some reason you are getting off track, signal with an arm or a leg. yeah, you look like an idiot, but that keeps the guy behind you from ass packing you. I got shit at putnam form a race school student and I'm still dumbfounded as to why; I had a leg out in deadbear and every following corner...if you couldn't tell something was up, you are the idiot in this equation.
  20. #1...do not use youtube stabalization #2...WHAT THE FUCK looks like the leader chopped the throttle and was heading into the pitts?
  21. Can't find the old thread, so re-posting. $1300
  22. bump... someone has a banana shaped subframe and needs this
  23. car + lightweight open trailer + camp at track = more money for track time
  24. If it invloves more track time, I'm in!
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