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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Drop the stuff off with me and I'll bring it to the track. I don't have much room when everything is loaded up, but I can get it there. Don't worry about tools except for bike specific stuff. Do race school, even if you don't intend on racing right off the bat it is still a good experience and might give some valuable input.
  2. Saturday and the 600's. Would like to do more, but putnam is coming up.
  3. didn't really have a plan...was going to use them for the street, but I'm considering taking the wheels off my street bike and using them as a second set of spare wheels for the track. On the track they probably have a day and a couple sessions left, but they would have some life on the street.
  4. For fun and because I reorganized the crap....can't wait to get the new ones in who's ready for some trackdays? If I didn't have enough for the year covered I'd buy those Pirellis for sale on AFJ....even still considering it anyway. I got a set from him too...they are in the "junk" pile now, great tires!
  5. Set of 120/180 Michelin Road 2's. Has under 1k miles on and tread depth is even all around. Great tires, if I wasn't buried in take offs from the track these would be on my street bike. $150 might be willing to mount and balance them for a few bucks more
  6. All good Matt, wasn't taking offense or anything. I like to mention take-offs because cost is a serious barrier to entry(any beyond) to track days. I mean look at what we are talking about here...$300-500 for a consumable that doesn't last very long. If someone thinks that is the only option, we might see them at the track less. Perfect example is on AFJ right now....11 sets of Pirelli's for sale $140/set mounted up...I'm tempted to see if someone can bring a set up for the first round. For dunlop tire info: http://www.dunlopracing.com/fitment.pdf
  7. Rear wheel on the 600/750 is the same 5.5in. Dunlop has a nice chart with fitments and diameters I'll post up tonight. The way I look at it, tires are a good portion of the cost of hitting the track....I need as much seat time as possible to gain experience and make improvements. It is a recurring cost reduction. I would have spent around $1300 in tires last year buying new, with take-offs it was less than $500. That $800 was then used toward other costs associated with track time. Without take-offs, I would be at the track 2/3 as often. I bought a bunch of new tires, but I'll still be using take-offs as much as possible.
  8. the UK dunlops are still like ~$450 and the new 212s are around the same range. Yeah, I think the 190/60 is geared more toward 1000's but it fits the 5.5 inch wheel as well. Only reason I ran the 190/60 because I could find a ton of take offs last year...for the cost of new tires I would have just went with the 190/55 and saved $40/rear. I've flipped all my dunlops...q2's, 209, 211, 190/55 or 190/60. Had a little seperation with with q2 at the extreme end of it's life. I think the early 190/55 211's had an issue being flipped.
  9. think it was $369 for a set of 190/60 dunlops when I check last year
  10. alright, sometime this season I need to snag a set of ragged out take offs from one of you fuckers to give the Pirelli carcass a shot. I have to admit, mounting those things up is like a dream vs dunlops....could just about push them on by hand. Only issues I've had with dunlops was a 209 front (yuck) and this 211 takeoff, but I really think the 211 was mistreated or something. I was getting good life out of the take offs last season...about 4 track days/rear with a flip; taking it to no tread on one side. Fronts I just changed whenever, have a surplus of those.
  11. So many triumphs are popping up...we are going to have a turf battle 675's vs squidxrs. Nice bike!
  12. <3 dunlops Just ordered some more....except this time, new tires
  13. I think you are right Craig, its the lap when laying the rubber. Not saying the crash was a result of the tear, just that the condition of the tire wasn't up to par. I only put 2 sessions total on the tire and it was a good looking "10 lap" take-off before hand. Crash was my fault; shitty gear selection(shifting up out of 12 wtf?), pushing to try to regain ground that was lost in the pack, and not removing the tire when I felt a couple little pushes in the previous session. Watching videos after the fact, I also see that I was getting some front end chatter in that turn.
  14. Was counting through my take offs and thought I'd post up a photo of the front tire that pushed at Jennings during the mock race. Other side has a less-developed tear. Tire in the background shows why I don't love hoop-style wheel chocks. The dimples go away after a heat cycle or two, I just hate seeing them.
  15. I'm so jelly....should have went to this.
  16. I have a twin dominator headlight somewhere.
  17. If you are going to use an app you need to use an external gps receiver like the QStar. I hope you are not using your current phone...just in case. I bought trackmaster, but only used it once without the external receiver....useless. I check my lap timer occasionally when turning trying to push my limit, but if I'm learning a track or off pace I don't even put the timer on the bike. I always try to keep the timer in the GoPro field of view....just nice to watch a clip and have the time displayed without any legwork. IMO, it isn't even close: GoPro and time in reviewing the footage is much more beneficial than a lap timer. Like it was mentioned earlier, you can use the gopro to figure out times, but realize there is error and a subjectiveness to it.
  18. save your money till one goes on sale or something...we can just use mine if I'm going.
  19. Coming down to the last minute weather predictions for me. If I can get my exhaust welded and the forecast goes up another couple degrees I'll make Saturday. If I had extra cash I'd be there for sure...if I had the cash and vacation time I'd be there tomorrow and Saturday. Anyone going Friday have a generator or a garage they want to split? Jester doesn't have a generator.
  20. Sorry, slipped my mind up till just now. Here are a couple photos...little dirty from sitting around for almost 3 years.
  21. This. Would love to whip even a slow car around a track, but the costs are way out of my range. Hell, bike racing is out of my range, jus do what's needed to make it work.
  22. I'll get some for you tomorrow. If I remember right, the undertray is cut off just below the license plate bracket. Don't remember if the mounts for the OEM tail lights are there or not.
  23. Hoping weather turns around for Saturday. Don't have the vacation time for Friday.
  24. fully loaded chili cheese fries!
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