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Everything posted by RHill

  1. So where is your foot when it is dragging?
  2. Maybe the Qstar GPS logger? I think they make a stand alone unit. Pretty sure the last 3 sessions the beacon was off on friday, then I had my own issues with the receiver on monday. Would just like to have something that works. Also would like to have something that I can have in the camera view like my current timer so it acts as a running timer in video. Not sure how visible the display on the gpx is.
  3. Thanks for the compliments. You were looking good out there...that Duc is a sexy beast, was checking it out during lunch break on Monday. I understand where you are coming from about slowing up for buddies and I agree 100% under normal trackday circumstances, but the track was empty. My refelection on the cluster shows me looking back constantly while at a steady pace from the drive out of the keyhole through to where I checked up heavy way off line. If there was even a hint of another rider I would have never even considered it, same goes if there were more riders on track. It is no different than pit out, there are ways to do it safely...then there are ways to fuck it up. I STILL had issues with riders going through the valley without signaling and crossing track between 12 and 13. Kind of ridiculous considering the emphasis that is placed on it during the riders meeting every trackday. BTW this was in advanced, not intermediate, multiple times. Just as an FYI, I had a close call with one of the coaches in INT on Friday. I'm not sure if they were towing someone or if he/she heard me, but they checked up hard out of 14 on the racing line and I nearly asspacked them. I was already driving out to pass on the straight or into 1; had no choice but to run the curbing on the outside to avoid them. Wanted to talk after, but I had no idea who they were. Not trying to detract from the weekend in any way, it was amazing fun....thanks to everyone involved with Mid-O, the coaches and everyone who made it out. Wish I wasn't pitted in the upper paddock so I could have hung out in the lower....but repacking and unpacking just to move a few hundered feet wasn't on my to-do list for the weekend. My phone is a workphone which doesn't have insurance on it, so I'm hesitant to take it on track. Still considering the option. The main reason I was first interested by the GPX was the inputs for throttle position, rpm and so on. I'm not sure how much it would help, but it would be fun to geek out and make comparisons between hot laps of all the data.
  4. Everyone was chewing up the left sides of their tires. Mine started to look like shit Friday, and continued about the same on Monday. Was debating about flipping it, but held off on the reccomendation of the track side tire guy, and ended up wearing both sides out about even. Left side wear was way more agressive than the right due to tearing. Brandon even commented in the one video while we were on hotpit about everyone's tires looking ragged on the left. Amazingly, I'm still on the same UK dunlop front from Jennings and the damn thing still looks awesome. Getting to the point where I'm going to change the tire because I "should"; 3 days at Jennings, 2 days at Putnam, 4 days at Pittsburgh(2 last year), 3 days at Mid-O, 2.5 days at Nelson...and it was a take off to begin with.
  5. sliding around is when it gets fun! Congrats to the wife. Yesterday was straight up amazing...the track had grip even in session one(for me, Brandon will probably chime in on his experience). I pushed my limit a lot over the weekend, consistent 40 flats and 41's. I'd wager there were a few sub 1:40 laps, but the timer wasn't picking up, then the battery went dead, and finally I loaned it to Brandon so he could get an idea of his pace for the last couple sessions. He turned a few 40 flats; pretty badass for not being on the track for something like 2 years. Really considering a GPX pro to switch to GPS lap timing and get some data logging for the nerd in me. Some video from advanced monday; sixth session mini OR train with Brandon, then final session. Rear tire was completely toast(no more dimples on either side) by this time, but I was still pushing hard through all the little slides and having a blast.
  6. Get any more video? I have a bunch, but I'm still at mid o. I came by around 2:40 on the outside of the keyhole.
  7. Can't wait to ask the gate attendee where their special spot is. Anyone showing up tonight? Packing up the cooler and heading out pretty soon.
  8. Signed up for intermediate friday....may sign up for monday over the weekend. I should have asked when I called in, what should I do if I want to stay overnight thursday? Never stayed overnight at mid-o and I don't really feel like setting up the tent multiple times if it is avoidable.
  9. annnd the groupon now looks to be dead....
  10. Best of luck today! Wish I would have had the vacation time, sounds like there would have been people around my pace to run with.
  11. Nice! What class did you run and how did you do?
  12. hmmmm trying to decide on trackday....friday or monday
  13. would it be an issue if I wanted to use my track bike to get around during the weekend? A buddy would like to know this as well.
  14. ^ Welcome to OR and thanks for the info! Definitely have to look into members days that don't coincidence with other orgs.
  15. Haven't checked the torque on the steering head nut, but the bars feel "normal" not too tight/loose. I did just raise the front end of the bike by lowering the forks 8mm toward the top clamp. Taller front=increased trail=more steering input force. Maybe I'm just pushing too hard? I'm doing a gearing change for Mid-O, and that will probably lengthen my wheelbase by around 5mm...going to see the effects that has first, then raise my front 2mm more to flush the forks. After that I plan to increase the front rebound dampening. Craig, you mean the rear packing in because of too stiff of rebound? I really need to take a look at my rear suspension....haven't really messed with it much.
  16. Really didn't consider anything maintenance related; I haven't noticed any changes in the handling of the bike. I can repeat this on both my current bikes and did the same thing on my old gsxr. I was really thinking along the lines of suspension being too light/loose or most likely rider related.
  17. When I flip the bike from one direction to the other, if I'm aggressive, the front loses contact with the ground for a split second and results in a little headshake. It isn't a big deal; I just back off how hard I change directions. It can happen when I'm on or off the gas. I'm just wondering if this is a symptom of something else suspension wise? My rebound is pretty quick so I think the front end tops out over the top. Maybe too quick causing a pogo like effect? I've got the stock steering dampener on the bike. @ 5 minutes exactly, switch from 5-6 while on the gas....it almost looks like a stutter in the video @2:55, flipping from 1-2....this one caught me off guard and threw off my line
  18. I haven't bothered to research recently, but these are not all 250's.... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nyst&search_sort=video_date_uploaded
  19. BUMP! Groupon is still active! Looking for someone to ride share to NYST pretty soon. Want to avoid the upcoming AMA weekend and MotoSeries events. Also would want to burn minimal vacation time. I can haul two bikes on my trailer....car would be a tight squeeze.
  20. Looks pretty cool. Bit of a haul, but would be worth it for a full weekend at a new track. Have to keep an eye out for track days.
  21. gift certs are also a way to circumvent the late fee good luck next week!!!
  22. What do you think is going to happen during the AMA races? PS...bring the stippers to the trackday.
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